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April 20, 2015:



Happy Monday morning!


Thanks to all who joined us for church yesterday! We hope the “Cheer Up Check Up” message was helpful.  After Pastor swatted that humongous beach ball into the crowd, we quickly learned if ever we are invited to join a church volleyball league, we will definitely NOT make it to the state finals. It was fun, though!


Your music team got many comments about the hymn “In the Garden”.  We are so glad that country “twang” version blessed your hearts.  Our oldest member, Grandma Mildred Ferguson, was visiting from Memphis, TN, and loves the old-timey church music, so that was dedicated especially to her.  Enjoy her while you can as she will return South near the first part of May.


Remember, that the 26th is the final Sunday of the month which means we will share in Communion together.   It also is the day we collect your gifts of non-perishables to bless the Manhattan food pantry and also assist those in our own church family who might need a little help with groceries.  This is an easy way for you to be a part of an outreach to our community.  It’s important to participate if and when you can.  Michelle and Phil Grifford, thank you for shouldering responsibility for this ministry.


Speaking of food, we need you to tie on an apron, whip out ye olde spatula, and share in the joy of our “Fishes and Loaves” ministry.  You don’t need to be a chef.  You don’t need to be wealthy.  You just need to have a desire to prepare a meal now and again for folks who call Revolution “home”.  Folks who are experiencing sickness….. People recuperating from medical procedures…. Families who are muddling through terminal illness and are just plain worn out in body and spirit…. Theirs are the households where YOU can be a blessing. If you struggle to make toast and admit cooking is not your “gift”, please consider donating some gift cards for restaurant meals.  Some busy folks enjoy paying for a pizza to be delivered.  Hey, that works, too! There are several options for those wishing to help. 


We are also seeking a coordinator for “Fishes and Loaves”.  If you are reliable, and will jump right on it and help coordinate volunteers to provide meals to our friends in a timely fashion, contact Pastor Billy now.  We have two families among us juggling life around major health crises who can benefit from some “lovin’ from the oven” even today.  Not tomorrow.  Not next week.  Now.  The need is immediate.


“Making the Most of Your Resources” is the newest women’s Bible study coming in May.  This is a fun group of ladies who will scoot over and make room for you to join them on Thursday nights in New Lenox.  Sign-ups and more info are at the Welcome Table. If you are not working evenings and have a sitter, come out and be supportive.  We ALL can benefit from learning to make the most of our time, energy and money.


Happy 5th birthday to Logan Sharpe all the way up in Michigan!  We miss that bright smile, little man! Twins Senna & Shay Settles celebrated yesterday, so we toss confetti through this screen to both of them.   Ethan Fosen and Vaughn Price, two of our young guys, both share April 23rd birthdates!  Show these good people some extra love this week!


Speaking of birthdays, the “Act Like Men” group celebrated Pastor Billy’s 46th at their Tuesday gathering with a homemade pulled pork supper.  Chocolate cake with peanut butter icing and a lesson wrapped up the evening. There was a lot of food carried home in to-go boxes, so for those who had to work and couldn’t make it, just know your friends boxed up your portion and enjoyed it for lunch the next day.  The door is open to all men Tuesdays at 7 p.m. in Frankfort.


See you Sunday at 10 as we finish up the “Moodswingers” message series.  Be kinder than necessary, send up prayers, and take good care of each other this week.












April 13, 2015:



Good Morning!


We enjoyed gorgeous spring weather Sunday, and we appreciate all who chose to be faithful to attend when so many other outdoor activities were available to you.  We had some burrs under the saddle with our video clips and audio, but we all realize that “Pobody’s Nerfect”.  Pastor has been encouraging us to step up and try our hands at new areas of service, and we must cut our volunteers some slack while they are in training. Thanks to all who are ambitious enough to say, “I don’t know how, but I want to learn.”  That takes courage! Hopefully, we will be A+ next week.   Thank you to all who served by volunteering in ANY capacity this weekend.


Children’s Ministry encourages you to go shopping for their “Summer Fun” program. We love our Revolution Kids, and intend to keep their interest high each Sunday. Donations of sidewalk chalk, bubbles and wands, large balls, easy board games and puzzles are welcome. Talk to Penny Knott to see what items are still needed.


Some of you were surprised to hear we now offer online giving opportunities.  We do.  Go to the Home Page, click on the Pay Pal box, and you can contribute your tithes and offerings when you are out of town, called into work, or are sick and don’t feel able to venture out to service.  It is important to remember to support your church each week.  We have building rental, U-Haul fees, supplies to purchase, and of course, Pastor’s salary. It is also a blessing to have an extra cushion to be able to help with benevolence when our members are in true need of a hand up. These are our weekly costs of operation.  Be a weekly giver!


We are currently seeking a reliable person to oversee “Fishes and Loaves”, our cooking ministry that ensures our members will receive a meal or two should they be off their feet for a while.  Surgery, prolonged illness or childbirth are a few examples of when this ministry of kindness kicks into high gear.  This leader is not responsible for cooking all the meals, but will partner with and coordinate other cooks in times of need so we can look after each other.  Ask those who have been recipients of dinners.  This ministry helps people feel loved.   Who wants to help?  Pastor Billy is the person who will appoint this leader.


Speaking of cooking, this is the final call for men who would enjoy a FREE pulled pork homemade meal with the fixin’s. Tuesday at 7 pm all men are welcomed to meet for supper near the Frankfort Post Office and then stay for the ACT LIKE MEN session.  This is such a fun group, and it will do you good to rub shoulders with good guys who struggle but are working awfully hard to be better men and stronger leaders.  There is no obligation to join the group.  If you need to dine and dash, that is alright, too. Call Bruce at 815-474-7787 for directions to his place.  Don’t you dare eat before you come!


Congratulations to Christian Hively who just landed a job working at the Speedway at Rt. 30 and Cedar Rd! If he works as hard at the station as he does here, his boss will LOVE him!


We are sending out so many birthday wishes today.  Noel Knott celebrates her 19th year on Tuesday!  Sweet little Eleanor Graniczny turns ONE on the 15th!   “Little Kevin” Ward and his brother, Connor, both are celebrating this week, too.  Happy Birthday down in Bradley, boys!


This coming Saturday Pastor Billy turns 46!  It takes a lot of energy to prepare messages, lead the worship team, teach classes, set up/tear down a portable church, counsel families in distress, and answer a phone that rarely stops ringing or buzzing with texts.  These are things he does weekly FOR US….. and all with a bum knee and a sore toe, too.  The man works almost all the time taking good care of his sheep in one way or another, so let’s give him some extra love and appreciation the next time we see him.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Pastor!  We thank you and love you for shepherding us even when we don’t tell you nearly enough!


We hope to see you next Sunday for “Cheer Up Check Up” in the April “Moodswingers” sermon series.  We still have several sermon cards that are in need of placement, so grab a stack this upcoming week from the Welcome Table and share while there’s still time.   Love each other, and have a beautiful week!











April 6, 2015:



Oh, Happy Day!


Yesterday Revolution Church celebrated our second Easter, and it was truly a joy to be in the Lord’s house together! Pastor Billy presented a powerful message about forgiveness and clean slates, and at the conclusion when the invitation was given, nine people stood up to accept Jesus as their savior! NINE!  All the U-Hauling, the dawn stage set-up, the upteen song rehearsals, and the forfeiting of holiday sleep was worth it all to see people making this courageous and life-changing choice. Thank you to those who brought friends and relatives with you.  Several of the people who stood up were visitors who were there simply because YOU made the effort to invite them!


The sermon involved a dramatic stage illustration that made quite a racket and a huge mess.  I will not spoil the surprise here, but it involved heavy duty gloves and safety goggles! For those who were not able to join us, you can view it online by going to our Home Page and clicking “Watch”.   Special appreciation to our friend, Mark Denton for spending many hours constructing that very cool stage prop! 


We received numerous compliments on the music, especially the Newsboys songs, “God’s Not Dead” and “Hallelujah For the Cross”.  All of the songs were recorded and should appear on Face Book shortly, if you’d like to sing along with us again today.  If you enjoyed the Easter lilies on stage and the holiday munchies at the hospitality table, give Skipper Denton a hug, because she is responsible for both.


Your children were so festive in their frilly dresses, sparkles, and “Sunday-Go-To-Meetin’” clothes. Many of these little ones stayed after service to whoop and holler and participate in Revolution’s first Egg Hunt. The Bible says, “Seek and ye shall find…” and the kids proved this to be true as they filled their baskets with colorful eggs and treats.  Huge thanks to Noel and Penny Knott for providing and stuffing all those eggs to bless the little ones!


“ACT LIKE MEN” is taking a week off, but will resume in Frankfort next Tuesday, April 14th at 7 p.m. All men are invited to show up hungry, because supper will be served.  Not snacks. SUPPER. Probably pulled pork and all the country fixins, and it’s free.  Lesson to follow.  First timers are welcome and encouraged to show up for the fellowship. Call Bruce if you need directions: 815-474-7787.


Happy Anniversary wishes are extended to Pastor and Penny who ticked off another year on Good Friday. Rose Senecal has a birthday on the 7th, and Jordan Knott turns 17 on the 10th. Rose and Jordan both are faithful to serve with our children, and we love them for shouldering this responsibility.


Congratulations to Phil and Leslie Graniczny on acquiring a beloved son-in-law Saturday night in a sweet ceremony that included bagpipers! Their daughter, Heather, is now Mrs. Tim McDonald, and we send them our love and blessings as they begin their life journey together.


Have a beautiful week, and join us again next Sunday for the kick-off of April’s series, “Moodswingers, with a message entitled “The Great Emoti-Con”. Folks, bring the people who are dear to your hearts.  We saw precious people accept Christ yesterday, because several somebodies in this church cared enough to bring them and make them feel welcome. Do it again this upcoming week.  Call them now before they make other plans.


Thanks again to all who made this Easter weekend happen without a hitch!  You are all so appreciated.











March 30, 2015:



Happy Monday morning!


Yesterday was Family Worship Sunday with the children joining us in the sanctuary. Several folks were heard commenting that it was really nice to sit with little ones on either side of them.  Since it was the last Sunday of the month, we also took Communion together. Visitors, thank you for joining us!  We hope you felt welcome and will come again next Sunday to celebrate Easter. Our children’s department will present the true meaning of Easter to your little ones in their classes, because this holiday is about so much more than a giant Bunny and jellybeans. Bring the kids, and bring their baskets, because there will be an egg hunt immediately after church for attenders.  


Thanks to nearly a dozen curious people who attended the Next Steps membership class after church. We hope you enjoyed the pizza luncheon and made some new friends while you got your questions answered.  Thank you, Bob and Heather Smith for opening your home for this event.


We appreciate those who remembered items for the food pantry.  A couple of you said you simply forgot, so please mark your calendar now for a community outreach opportunity the LAST SUNDAY of each month.  We are working hard to be a compassionate church that reaches out to those in difficult circumstances.  Let’s take these happenings seriously, because we never know when life will jerk the rug out from under us, and we will be the ones needing help to carry us over til next paycheck. Pay it forward whenever you can.


Several of our women reported having a really relaxing evening together at Panera Tuesday night for their monthly “Time Out”. We understand some of you work afternoon shifts and others have babies at home, but if you can juggle your busy life to make it work, try to show up and be part of the fun!


Women’s Bible Study, “Making the Most of Your Resources”, led by Penny Knott begins May 7.  Please sign up at the Welcome Table by April 12.  Cost for the book is $8.00. Remember, “The Easter Experience” study is in progress on Thursday evenings at Sue Mulder’s home in New Lenox.


“Act Like Men” will resume 7 pm meetings at Bruce Smit’s home this week.  They could just as easily call it the “I Can’t Wait Til Tuesday Club” since so many of the guys are showing up, enjoying each other, narfing down cake, and strengthening friendships. This is free, and you don’t need a book.  Everybody has room for improvement, so don’t be shy about showing up. Jerks and doormats will get preferential seating, because this is important stuff.


Happy 18th birthday to Chloe Denton, beautiful daughter of Mark and Skipper.  Our favorite “back-cracker”, Dominick Anco, and his wife, Julie, have birthdays on the 3rd and the 4th. Madison Sharpe, we sure miss you, but we know your folks will see this up in Michigan and read this Happy Birthday note to you on Friday. Mike Rowley, our elder with the “Pepsodent Smile”, also celebrates Friday which ALSO happens to be the THIRD DAY of April! How fitting!


We hope to see you next Sunday morning. Dress up or dress down.  You can even dig out your Easter bonnet with all the frills upon it if you wanna. It makes no difference here.  Just be comfortable, and come on to church. Start inviting TODAY so you can bring friends with you to celebrate our Risen Lord. The band is working on new music, so plan ahead to worship here and be blessed!











March 23, 2015:




Good Morning!  Kick off your winter boots, take a break from shoveling this morning's surprise spring SNOW, and let's catch up.  Thanks for visiting this page!


It was good to see all of our regular folks and new faces of visitors among us!  We hope you felt welcome and were encouraged and blessed by the sermon and the worship. We prepare many days in advance to offer to you music, studies, and a message that will give you strength and comfort to face your current challenges. Some in our flock are dealing with chronic pain, and life-threatening illness; step-families are clumping rather than blending; some fear they are drowning with the constant neediness of the very young and the very old under their care. Others are frustrated to yet again find themselves with too much month at the end of their paycheck.  Stress, anxiety, and worry tend to gang up on us, but when we come to God’s house, it should be an oasis from all the turmoil and the clatter. If you are reading this and you are struggling and feeling to the point of despair, come next Sunday, and hear the final message in the “Overwhelmed” series.  Friends will pray with you here.  We are generous with hugs and coffee, too.


Thank you to Greg Struck for pushing up his sleeves and helping pack up the stage.  He always has a willing heart to do what he can, and we all got to go home sooner because he pitched in. Thank you to ALL of you who are serving in any area of this ministry. You may think nobody notices when you are making security rounds, pulling cables, organizing displays or stacking your 500th chair, but never believe for a minute that you are taken for granted.  We appreciate you!


Thank you, also, to you who contribute your tithe and for those who have generous hearts and give additional offerings. The expense of operating your church occurs every week whether you are here or not, so thank you for your faithfulness.  Pay Pal is available to those of you who were out of town or were stuck at work Sunday. Just go to the Home Page and follow directions, and in no time flat, you will have blessed this church with your gift, and that money can go where it needs to go.


Next week is the fifth Sunday of the month which means it is “Family Sunday”! How wonderful for dads and moms, grandparents and young ones to get to worship together on this morning when we celebrate Communion. At Revolution you are invited to come to the table, serve your family and partake when you are ready. Many have expressed how meaningful this method is, so we hope to see you here.  As always, nursery is provided for screamers and squawkers.


Food pantry collection is this upcoming Sunday.  Scan the grocery sale ads and shop now! We received a precious thank you-note from one of the grateful recipients of your donated items. When times are rough, it is often the smallest of gestures that can touch a heart, so if you are the person who contributed the toilet paper and the oatmeal in February, you get two thumbs up for brightening the day of somebody who needed both. Who woulda thunk it?  Be a blessing, and bring what you have!


Pizza & Game Night for our youth is Friday evening at the Arnott’s house again.  YAY!  Bring your $2.00 for food, lace up your dancing shoes, and fill up your car with kids, because it will be a night of laughter and silliness.


Speaking of pizza, “Next Steps” membership class is March 29th after service, and a pizza lunch will be served. RSVP to Pastor prior to Sunday so enough food will be ordered. Learn what our church teaches, why we worship as we do, and what your next steps should be on your journey deeper into Christ.  If you don’t like what you hear, just sit and enjoy your pizza. The only strings attached will be mozzarella! We promise.


We’ve heard lots of positive feedback from the guys attending “Act Like Men”. Comments such as “I LOVE this group!” to “This is JUST what I need!” have been heard.  If you want the fellowship of other men, have a desire to nurture the relationship with your significant lady, or simply wish to be a stronger more respectable man vs a doormat, come check out this gathering. It is usually at Bruce Smit’s place, but for this week Darren Rych is hosting at his home in New Lenox Tuesday at 7 pm.  Try it!  Your family will thank you!


Panera Bread in Frankfort is the meeting place for this month’s “Ladies Time Out”.  No agenda, no “bidness”, just hanging out, catching up, and eating together.  If you have a neighbor or friend who could use a little break, bring her with you the last Tuesday of the month at 7 pm.


Poor Dean Schuldt showed up in a sling and is grounded from guitar picking while he recuperates from shoulder surgery.  Best wishes for rehab and pain control. We will certainly miss his fingers on stage while he heals.


Special love going out across the miles to one of our faithful online followers who has a birthday this week: Tamara, thank you for all your prayers and kind comments. We hope your birthday is a lot of fun!


God bless each of you! Watch after one another this week, and we will meet again Sunday!











March 15, 2015:




Hello, Friends!


Sunday was a milestone service as Pastor Billy appointed, anointed, and installed the first elders for Revolution Church! Ken Poort and wife, Jan, along with Bob Smith and wife, Heather, took the stage with Pastor for their blessing. The third elder, Mike Rowley, and wife, Diana, were out of town for a pressing matter.  We thank these three couples for accepting this honor and responsibility to help care for our flock.


Two thumbs up to a couple of our ladies who stepped up to train with our tech team. Dawn Gonda and Jackie Hernandez, THANK YOU and WELCOME! Many of you on Face Book and other social media sites enjoyed our church’s promotional video complied by Skipper Denton. She worked hard on this and got thousands of views!  See how this works?  When everybody does a little, nobody has to do a lot. We are always eager to put volunteers to work so that all areas of this church can run smoothly.


Look around you.  What can YOU contribute to pull you weight around here?  Some of your wallets are so fat it makes your pants fit funny. Think of what a humongous blessing you could be by giving a generous gift through Pay Pal or when the offering basket is passed.  We always need assistance in our children’s ministry.  If you enjoy simple crafts, coloring, singing, entertaining toddlers, bouncing babies, and helping our youngsters learn about Jesus, let us know.   We need smiling faces and willing hands. Take a turn!  There is no reason in the world that children and women should have to tote heavy items to and from the U-Haul with able-bodies adults standing around watching them huff and puff.  You don’t have to be an Arnold Schwarzenegger to pick up some equipment and carry it to the trailer.  If your back is strong and you have muscles, come to the stage and ask what you can carry.    This is YOUR church, too, so take your turn!


Many of you witnessed the ooooohing and aaaaaaahing over a precious 6 lb. 6 oz. bundle of pinkness Sunday. That was one week old Isabella Alexis Ward, daughter of Kevin Ward and Brandi Allison. We are still smiling that they showed up. Let’s pray hard for this little girl and her parents and be as supportive as we can. We wish them nothing but the very best!


I made a list and checked it twice, but there appears to be only ONE birthday and no anniversaries this week! Surely in a church this size, that cannot be correct.  Let me know a week or so in advance, and I will be sure to let readers know you had a special day.  David Gross way down in Bradley, IL turns 53 today, and we could never skip him.  He faithfully prays for this church and follows us online since the doors opened, so it is with joy we say HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Dave!


Men’s Ministry group had a decent showing at the “meet and greet“ for “Act Like Men” last week.  Many of the guys called Pastor Billy later to thank him and tell him they enjoyed the camaraderie.  Come to Bruce Smit’s place in Frankfort at 7 pm Tuesday as Pastor begins chapter one. Coffee, soft drinks, and snacks are provided, and you don’t even need to purchase a book.  Call Bruce at 815-474-7787 if you need directions. Please park on the street.


Blaine Petersen is heading up our Discipleship program.  Speak with him if you would like to either disciple or be discipled. After service Blaine can be found in the vicinity of the U-Haul.


“The Easter Experience” Women’s Ministry study led by Penny Knott is in full swing, but you are still welcome to attend. Thursday evenings, New Lenox, Sue Mulder’s house.


“Next Steps” class for newbies and the curious will be at Bob Smith’s house after church March 29th.  If you have questions as to our church teachings or why we do things the way we do here, please come and learn. Free pizza awaits, so SIGN UP at the Welcome Table so we know how much food to order.


Speaking of food, keep in mind that we collect for the Manhattan Food Pantry that same Sunday.  There are lots of sales happening during this Lent/Easter season, so take advantage and buy a little (or a lot!) of extra nonperishables to help keep afloat some among us who are in a financial quandry. The Grifford family can answer your questions about this outreach.


In effort to be responsible with our money, we are asking you to return any unused connection cards to the welcome table as you exit the church.  There is a large floral box marked CONNECTION CARDS for you there.  We always encourage you to fill out your cards to share your prayer requests with the prayer team, or to indicate you wish to volunteer, so each person in attendance should be dropping a card in this box whether completed or blank.  Thank you for that!


Sunday’s sermon addressed worry, anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts.  “Yellow Ribbon Cards” were made available for those who need help but don’t know how to ask for it.  More of these cards are being printed this week, so take some and share with somebody who might need a strong shoulder during dark hours. It was eye-opening to hear several folks who appear happy and bubbly sharing that they have or are currently struggling in these areas. Oh, the masks we wear!  Be kinder than necessary.  There is more emotional pain and unspoken grief in this little flock of good people than you might imagine, so plant nothing but love. See you next Sunday at 10 am as we continue with the March series, “Overwhelmed”.


Oh, almost forgot!  Today is free ice cream day at Dairy Queen, so if you are out and about on this gorgeous spring day that the Lord has given us, stop in for a complimentary cone.  FREE is everybody’s favorite flavor!  God Bless!









March 9, 2015:





We see that most of you remembered to turn your clocks ahead Saturday night, because we had a good crowd Sunday morning! Thanks for rolling out of bed and being faithful to your church even though you got robbed of an hour of precious weekend sleep. Somebody was overheard saying they misunderstood and turned their SCALE back 30 lbs, but woke up still fat. That was just too hilarious not to pass along.


We certainly had our share of drama this weekend.  Somewhere between Manhattan and New Lenox the door of the U-Haul that trailers much of our church equipment and other necessities jiggled open and spilled contents along the dark, snowy roads like a trail of breadcrumbs in “Hansel and Gretel”. We’d just gotten a large, wheeled “gig box” that held much of the expensive audio/tech equipment, and it was GONE.  It was one of those “OH, NOOO! MR. BILLLLLLL!” moments when your heart drops to your shoes because time is ticking, and you’re up a creek in a sinking canoe.  Pastor Billy, others from Revolution, plus some kind-hearted cops drove and searched with flashlights in the cold, but only recovered nursery items.  Now ain’t nobody got time for THAT on Saturday night!


As word spread, people began praying and sharing the situation on Face Book, while some on our tech/worship team scampered to beg and borrow enough stuff so church could go on as usual.  Humongous thanks to Doug Arnott for saving the day by locating a backup soundboard for us in the 11th hour even though he was worn out from a very long work day.  It was refreshing to find a mature church that eagerly and graciously gave a hand up to a young church in an emergency situation. THAT’S the spirit we all could and should have. This is not a competition.  We are all supposed to be batting for the same team, and not cheering when one player gets smacked with a ball.  Some of us were stressing over missing gear that was on loan and how we would ever pay for its replacement, and yes, there were some tears shed, but there was also special prayer for an honest person to return it.  All we could do was be still and wait to see what happened.


Worship went well. Bob Smith delivered the message, “Your Grace Finds Me". It was an honor to welcome Bob’s brother and elderly parents who drove in from Beecher, IL.  It was the FIRST time his parents ever heard him preach, so that was truly special.  After church we had the joy of hanging out together wolfing down “Happy 1st Birthday Revolution Church” cake. YAY!  Our friend, Betty Crocker, was swamped, so her cousin, Mrs. Costco, stepped up and did the baking for us. YUMMY! We are now into year TWO of this adventure, and are no longer officially labeled a “plant”.   (Insert whistles and applause here!)


Mid-afternoon phones started blowing up with news that somehow…some way….between three superstar fellas named Mark Sims, Larry Klaaren, and Pastor Paul Vroom from Missio Dei church, our missing “Box of Awesomeness” had been found, traced back to Revolution, and was en route to Pastor Billy via Darren Rych’s pick-up.  Woo-Hoooo!  Thousands of dollars saved!  We couldn’t have been more thrilled had we won the double showcase on “Price is Right”!   Thank you, Lord, that honest people still walk this earth! Thank you to our volunteers who work so hard and do their best and don’t quit even when they feel like Lemony Snicket trapped in a series of unfortunate events.  God is GOOD! (And from across town, Tom Williamson just read this, pumped his fist in the air and hollered, “ALL THE TIME!”   It's ok to laugh.  You know you thought the same thing!) 


Guys, Pastor is leading a men’s study called “ACT LIKE MEN” that begins Tuesday, March 10, 7pm at Bruce’s Smit’s condo. There is no book to purchase, so join them for fellowship and snacks. If you haven’t signed up at church, please call Bruce to RSVP and to get directions - 815-474-7787. We need a head count.  Spoiler Alert: There will be a homemade treat to take home to help celebrate this new series! Remember that FREE is your favorite flavor!


Also remember if you want your special events published, you must let me know at least a week in advance to read them here.  This week we are honoring three birthdays!  Tammy Smit, our keyboard player, celebrates today!  Allison Merkel, the sweetest “Ragin’ Cajun” you’ll ever meet, celebrates Wednesday!  And finally, G.L., you belong to another church, but follow this column faithfully, so we hope this mention brings a smile. Thank you for your consistent interest in us.  Thank you for your corny sense of humor, prayers, and quiet support that never seeks public acknowledgment.  Always remember, and never forget that you are deeply respected and loved. Bless you on your birthday!


Elders will be installed NEXT SUNDAY.  BE HERE.  This is a very special milestone morning for this young church, so rearrange errands, trade shifts at work, double check your alarm clock, and whatever else you must do so you can show up on time to support your church family. Plan ahead.  Also, remember to share your March sermon cards that invite visitors to come for our “Overwhelmed” March sermon series. Many (most?!) people in this community are exhausted and are feeling frustrated and frazzled and can relate to this topic.  Get the word out! Take a stack of cards from the Welcome Table at the entrance, and get busy sharing.


Have a stupendous week, and find a way to be a blessing!









March 2, 2015:





March 2, 2014 we launched Will County’s newest church plant, and here we are a year later still standing, still growing, and still welcoming families to come worship. Haters gonna hate, and some sit reading this screen scratching their heads wondering why this so called “motley crew” didn’t go belly up as do so many new churches, but we refused to sink. This year has been an adventure!


We grieved when some who promised to support and build this ministry chose to walk in another direction.  Some decided they preferred a more traditional worship style, and others simply grew tired of volunteering when the needs of an infant church were so many.  We cried when some families who helped us launch relocated far away for employment, but rejoiced when strangers walked in who were willing to serve in their place.  We have married, buried, baptized, and many weekends burned our proverbial candles at both ends. We have rolled up our sleeves, worn out several pairs of “big boy” and “big girl pants” to “Git R Done”, and with perseverance and the grace of Almighty God who gave us the strength to roll out of bed before daylight to unpack U-Hauls and set up our portable church for the last 52 Sundays, Revolution stands.


Thank you to each person who supported with your attendance, volunteering, and donations.  Time. Treasures. Talents. It takes all three to nurture a fledgling ministry.  THANK YOU!  All gave some, and some gave lots.  You know what you did, and so does God.  Continue to help Revolution.  Some of you have more money than you know what to do with, and you keep emailing and sending word that you love us and watch online, so write a check, and put your money where your mouth is. PayPal is on our home page, so you can give right now.  Help us continue to grow in 2015! For several folks, this is the ONLY church they’ve ever in their lives belonged to, and we are humbled and pleased they feel comfortable here.


Our Next Steps Membership Class/Lunch scheduled for yesterday was postponed because of the threat of more snow. This one day class is rescheduled for March 22 at 1 p.m. at the Lehmans’ home near the church. Come learn what we believe and why we do church the way we do.  There is a sign-up sheet at the welcome table.  Be sure your name is on that sheet, so we will know how much pizza to order. If you don’t like what you hear, then there is no pressure to join, and you will have gotten a free lunch. FREE! Can’t beat that.


Kevin Spell was a good guy again, and drove in to play drums for the music team.  Zack Smith stepped up and helped us break down the stage and prepare items for trailering.  We always have a job for people like Zack who have muscles and a strong back. Thanks for helping!


Here’s a shout out to three of our men for getting new jobs! YAY!  Congratulations to Justin Graniczny, Corey Schuldt, and Oscar Hammerberg. We pray you work hard and do well in your new positions.


Several of our women enjoyed fellowship and food at Panera this week. The last Tuesday of each month will be a fun girls’ night out, so mark your calendar now, so you will remember. Friday night the Arnotts hosted a house full of youth for pizza, video games and board games, and they had fun!  Pizza night is also monthly, so flag your calendar now if you have 4th-8thgraders.


Speaking of the Arnotts, Doug and Nichole shared a really sweet testimony with us recently about how they met in a small group.  Now, we’re not guaranteeing you’ll find a “love connection” as strong as theirs, but you are welcome to join either of our Transforming Life Groups that meet on Sunday (Manhattan) or Monday evenings (New Lenox) for study and friendship. Click on the Life Group box on the home page to learn more about these gatherings.


Sue Mulder’s home is the place for Penny Knott’s women’s Bible study called ”The Easter Experience”.  First session is March 5th.  Sign up at the welcome table.


Men’s Tuesday evening study/fellowship group begins March 10 at Bruce’s Smit’s place in Frankfort. Pastor Billy is teaching a study called “Act Like Men “.  Be a good guy and sign up at the welcome desk, so we will know how much food to prepare. Call Bruce for directions:  815-474-7787.


Our sweetheart, Virginia Throne, celebrated a birthday this past week.  She is so faithful to help out with the childrens ministry, and we appreciate her so much!  We have three birthdays on March 2nd:  Happy 92nd birthday to Grandma Mildred Ferguson who celebrated with a taco party down in Memphis, TN!  Justin Graniczny and Shomari Fischer also celebrate on this day! Cathy Price and Darren Rych share March 3rd birthdays.  She will party in the Florida sun, and he will party in New Lenox slush, but we hope each has a beautiful day! Diamond & Destiny Torres are turning 11 on Wednesday!  Elizabeth Startz-Stec turns 60 on the 4th. 


Much love to all of you, and that includes our looky-loos who have not missed a week of scouring our web pages for 13 months. Satisfy your curiosity, and come visit! Pastor Billy invites you to share a hunk of Revolution’s 1st birthday cake next Sunday, and you will be treated kindly.  Remember clocks move ahead one hour Saturday night, so don’t be late, because when it comes it narfing down good cake, snoozers will be losers.











February 23, 2015:



What a beautiful day for our church! We just love and appreciate each one of you who calls Revolution Church “home”.  We got off to an unsettling start early this morning when a brand spanking new piece of our tech equipment that worked perfectly last night decided not to work this morning.  In this age of electronic technology, projecting our lyrics, scriptures, sermon video clips and announcements all depended on that equipment, so some of us were eating fingernails as service time approached.    We want to give special recognition and lotsa love to our Tech Team Director, Darren Rych, for buckling down and busting his fanny to resort to Plan B … then Plan C….. and on to Plan D….. and -when we feared it was unfixable - just in time for the first song to open the service, the lyrics appeared on the wall, and we all exhaled with relief.  NOBODY worked harder than Darren did today.  Nobody scrambled faster, and nobody had more pressure on his back than this man did. THANK YOU, DARREN for not throwing in the towel when it would have been easier to have done just that and gone back to bed.


We finished our February message series, “I Love the 80s”, with three lucky attendees winning retro prizes of Rubik’s Cubes and a Cabbage Patch Doll.  Our fun throwback song was “Footloose”.   We hope you were blessed by the worship service. Thank you to Dan and Kristy Lehman for setting up our Communion tables. Many of you have said your favorite service is the final one each month when we break bread together.


We shifted to turbo speed to clear the stage and pack the U-Haul to hustle to the Lincoln Way East Aquatic Center for the honor of baptizing eight precious folks after church.  Pastor Billy was assisted in the pool by Bob Smith. A large group of members and relatives showed up to clap and cheer for the following people who took the next step in their Christian journeys:  Oscar Hammerberg, Mark Denton, Josh Corbin, Jillian Szepelak, Lisa & Nick Vanderveen, and Sarah & Gilbert Martinez. 


Thanks to all who contributed to the food drive this morning.  The Grifford Family delivers the items to the Manhattan Food Pantry each month, and the church thanks them for accepting responsibility for this community outreach.  Remember, the same week we celebrate Communion, we collect food for donation.  Mark your calendar now for the last Sunday in March, and start buying extra sale items so your family can help us bless folks who are going through rough patches.


The Arnott Family invites our 4th-8th graders and their guests to Pizza & Game Night at their home in Homer Glen Friday night, February 27th.  This will be the best $2.00 you will spend this week.  830-200-5827. Ask for Nikki.


Next Sunday at 1 pm the Lehman home near the church is the place to go for the “Next Steps” membership class.  If you are curious as to what Revolution believes, why we do church as we do, or what should be your next steps in your Christian walk or serving in this church, show up and let Pastor Billy answer whatever questions you have.


Ladies, if you are free Tuesday the 24th at 7 pm, show up at Panera in Frankfort for fellowship and a bite to eat if you wish to purchase.  There is no study or formal agenda.  Inviting friends is encouraged.


Remember we have ongoing Discipleship opportunities, women’s Bible study, two Transforming LifeGroups, and a men’s group resuming in March. You are always welcome, so don’t be shy. Come when you can!


We have birthdays again this week:  Little Braden Miller turns SIX today, and we send him lots of love.   Stephanie Graniczny celebrates her birthday Monday.  Lisa Jasinski blows out candles Tuesday.  Our youngest “Brainiac”, Calvin Petersen, becomes a teenager on Wednesday.


Today was brutally cold, but temps should be warmer next Sunday, so come out for Pastor Billy’s March message series called, “Overwhelmed”. With our lives as busy as they are, who can’t relate to THAT?  Remember to distribute the new message cards early in the month so more people have the opportunity to come.  These are always found on the welcome table, so grab a stack.  Grocery store or campus bulletin boards are good places to pin these.  It is also helpful to post pictures of the front and back of these cards to share on your Face Book page.  Help us get our money’s worth with these cards.


Thanks to all who served and contributed in any way today! You are appreciated and needed more than you probably realize! Have a blessed week!











February 15, 2015:


Hi, folks!


Thanks for coming out for worship today with us! Did you enjoy your candy conversation hearts you received at the front door?  That was just a tiny holiday treat to remind you that you are loved. We hope you all felt remembered and cared for on Valentine’s Day.


We completed our third week of “I Love the 80’s” with a message called “Facts of Life”.   There is a wall plaque that reads “Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape.” This beatitude definitely applied to our tech team when one of our projectors suddenly went belly-up shortly before service. The guys were hustling and racing the clock, and after juggling, improvising, and sweating bullets, they were able to have lyrics on the wall just in time, and we carried on without a glitch.  


We so appreciate our music team and the amount of talent on that stage. Justin Graniczny served this church with drumsticks, and Dean Schuldt led us in the Bon Jovi throwback smash hit, “Livin on a Prayer”, and it sounded great! It was so much fun with the audience participation, “Ohhhhhh, we’re halfway theeeeeeerrrre…..” We do like to have fun with a secular selection now and again, but we hope you were blessed by the other four worship songs that prepared our hearts to hear God’s word.


Sweet little Sam Jasinski was sitting in one of our random “prize seats” this morning, so she and two other lucky folks took home either a Rubik’s Cube or a Michael Jackson CD keeping with our February 80’s theme. Next Sunday a couple more folks will go home with the last of the fun retro surprises as we conclude the series with “Family Ties”.   Be sure to share your sermon cards with a friend or leave in a public place so visitors have an opportunity to join us. Most grocery stores have bulletin boards to make sharing these cards easy. Don’t waste yours!


Plan to join us at 1 pm after service NEXT SUNDAY at the Lincoln Way East High School pool for a brief water baptism service. If you can, come out and support your friends who are taking this next step in their spiritual journey. Click on our Baptism page on our Home Page to learn what this is all about if you are unfamiliar. Call Pastor if you would like to be baptized, too.


The Grifford family hosts small group on Sunday evenings at their Manhattan home.  The Petersen/Hajek families have “child-friendly” small group in New Lenox on Monday evenings. Both are studying from the Book of Acts.  If you are curious or would like to attend, contact LifeGroup Director, Bob Smith, at  Blaine Petersen is the man to see if you are a guy wanting to either disciple a newer believer or if you are a man wishing to be discipled.  This is a one-on-one thing and very different from the small group setting.


Ladies, grab a buddy, and gather at Panera in Frankfort for food and fellowship Tuesday, Feb 24th, 7 p.m. This is not a prayer or study night.  This is just time to get together and enjoy each other.


Next Steps, a one-time membership class to familiarize new folks with the beliefs of Revolution Church, will meet at Dan and Kristy Lehman’s house in Frankfort March 1, at 1 p.m.  If this is something that would benefit you, contact


Men’s Ministry has taken a few weeks off during this brutal winter season, but Tuesday night meetings are resuming in the near future at Bruce Smit’s home, close to the Frankfort Post Office. Tammy learned to cook in the deep south where gravy is considered a beverage and “salt” is not a dirty word, so the vittles will be mighty tasty there.  Clear your Tuesdays so you can come out and feed your tummy AND your soul!


Travis and Hannah Rogers had a double child dedication this morning. This is such a cool family! He is from Arkansas, and she is from MinneSNOWta, and they are some of the friendliest people you can hope to meet.  We were so pleased several of their relatives were able to witness the blessing of baby Cole Thomas and big sister, Alexia Grace.


Speaking of this family, Travis and Hannah celebrate their anniversary on the 18th, and Alexia turns two on Tuesday! Also celebrating on Tuesday is Joey Divitorrio, who is probably one of the best-hearted young men in all of Will County.  The 17th seems to be a popular birthdate, as children’s ministry volunteer, Ed Kirsch, will also be blowing out candles that day.   Our sweet Staci Tepper celebrated today, and 62 year old Tom Williamson got an impromptu serenade by the band.   Best wishes going out to all these good people!


Remember to pick up some extra non-perishables for our Manhattan Food Pantry collection next Sunday.  We were so proud of your generosity in January. We are also pleased that several of you took the sermon to heart last week and signed up to help with ushering, tech team, and kids' ministry. Thank you for that! Our crews work hard, and they will be happy to take a breather and soak up a service while you take your turn.


Thank you for attending.  Thank you for visiting this page.  Thank for your offerings that pay the bills – and speaking of THAT - remember you now have the option of online giving by clicking PayPal on our Home Page. When you sleep through the alarm, get called into work, or even forget your checkbook in your other pants at home, PayPal enables you to still be financially faithful to help nurture this church plant. 


Be blessed! See you next week for Communion!





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