October 30, 2017:
Good crowd today! Thanks for coming out on a frosty morning to worship at Revolution. More were on the way but had car trouble. This was Family Sunday, so the little ones stayed in the sanctuary with their parents and participated in Communion as we always partake together the last Sunday of each month. Children’s Pastor, Julian Sandoval, delivered the message with text from Romans 12:1-2 and excerpts from the P.D. Eastman classic book, ”Are You My Mother?” He taught us the importance of knowing our true identity in Christ when so many other voices in society send us a different message. Miriam brought the kids to the stage (along with any adults who wanted to participate) for a couple of fun action songs to conclude the morning.
Speaking of kids, we could sure use some help in the nursery. There are enough of us in this church to pitch in so that all of us get to attend worship regularly. Let Miriam Sandoval show you how to help.
Men’s Fellowship Breakfast will be Saturday, November 11th, 8 am, here at the church. SIGN UP on the clipboard on the Welcome Table if you want to reserve some bacon for your plate! Pastor Billy leads this event, so if you have questions or want to volunteer, he is the man to see.
There will be a Memorial Service for Mildred Ferguson immediately after our Nov. 12th service. The floor will be open for your memories if you wish to share. A light luncheon will follow. If you would like to help with this special service, contact her daughter, Brenda Hajek, at 708-261-3410.
The adult connection trip to Konow’s Farm got lots of positive feedback from the 15 who attended. In addition to the petting zoo, shopping, and hayride, the group also rode the tractor-pulled “cow cars”. Michelle Grifford outdid herself by preparing a BBQ pulled chicken supper with all the fixins and served it in a heated tent! How wonderfully kind!
Seniors 55+ are invited to Chicago Dough in New Lenox for pizza on Tuesday, November 17th, 6 pm. Cost is $10 paid in advance to either Linda Lee or Pat Wozny. After dinner, the group is invited back to Durk and Linda Lee’s Frankfort home for dessert and fellowship. 708-307-2011 for more info. SIGN UP!
“One on One” is the new discipleship program open to women who prefer more intimate learning vs a larger group setting. There is a sign-up sheet on the Welcome Table. Our Eileen DeSando leads this ministry to help grow women in the faith.
Pastor Bob Smith invites you to Foundations class, Sundays in the nursery at 9 am. This is free and for anybody who wants deeper knowledge on the basic teachings of the Christian faith.
“Book of Acts” Bible study is Wednesday, 6:30 pm here at the church. (Note the time change from 7 pm.) Elder Larry DeSando is leading this group. Everybody is welcome, and it is not too late to show up. Youth group also meets on Wednesdays here at the same time. Pastor Billy leads this one. Your young people can always expect a devotional, snacks, and a game of sorts.
Graybars Project is seeking Christmas card signers not only for inmates, but also for local nursing home residents. We have to start early! Cards can be written in the privacy of your home. See Tammy, the piano player, to find out how you can be a blessing.
Encouragement cards are found under your seat. Pen some uplifting words to a member of your church family, and leave the card for us to mail for you. Who do you know who needs a boost?
Since all that was on the Harvest Table today was a sack of sad, lonely turnips, it looks like we will put away the table for the season. We are pleased this was a blessing to you. Thanks to all who contributed.
Happy 44th birthday today to Greg Struck! Doug Arnott has a Halloween birthday!
Next week Pastor Billy will begin the November sermon series, “The Elephant in the Family Room”, so you won’t want to miss this. See you next Sunday at 10 am. Bundle up and stay warm!
October 22, 2017:
Happy Sunday!
"Hallelujah Hoedown" was Saturday, and we thank all our volunteers who donated food and cool prizes for this autumn outreach. We thank all who invited, set up, tore down, cleaned, cooked, and made our guests from the community welcome. Several showed their creativity with silly costumes and face paintings. We had dogs in costume, indoor/outdoor games, treat bag designing, dancing, singing, hotdog lunch, black light puppet show, candy, and glow bracelets, but the most popular event of all was the bounce house! Even some fun-loving “kids in grown up clothes” had a whoop-ti-do time crashing around in there! Kudos to Pastor Julian and Miriam for leading the event. We had several visitors today who showed up yesterday. YAY!
“Don’t Give The Devil A Foothold” series continued with Pastor Billy using text from Job 1 and Ephesians 6. At today’s altar call, we had several accept Jesus into their heart! Isn’t that wonderful? We had sent all of our pew Bibles to Houston with our volunteer relief team, and today all of those were replaced with new hardback NIVs under each chair. The print is a tad BIGGER, so it is easier for older eyes to see.
There were black walnuts, peppermint, and fresh turnips at the Harvest Table. Let’s be good stewards of all God has given to us. Bring what you have, and take what you need.
We are seeking helpers in the nursery! If you can rock, change, burp, or love a baby, then you can be a huge blessing to your church in this area of ministry. Miriam Sandoval is the person to see if you are willing to take a turn now and again. Thank You to all who already serve with our little ones!
Hayride, maze, live band, food/drink, bonfire will be Saturday night at Konow’s Corn Maze. $15 paid to Michelle Grifford = admittance. Sorry, no chillrens at this one. 18+ only!
Ladies: October "Time Out" fellowship is at Williamson’s Restaurant in New Lenox on Thursday the 26th, 6:30-8:30 pm. Notify Michelle Grifford if you are attending as she wants to save enough seats. Bring girlfriends, and let’s get to know each other better over food.
Churchwide monthly prayer meeting will be after church next Sunday if you wish to stay. There is no obligation to pray aloud, so don’t panic over that if you are shy.
“One on One” is the new discipleship program open to women who prefer more intimate learning vs a larger group setting. There is a sign-up sheet on the Welcome Table if this sounds like what you need.
“Book of Acts” Bible study is Wednesdays, 7 pm here at the church. Elder Larry DeSando is leading this group. Everybody is welcome, and it is not too late to show up. Youth group also meet on Wednesdays here, but at 6:30 pm. Pastor Billy leads this one. Your young people can always expect a devotional, snacks, and a game of sorts.
Men’s Fellowship Breakfast will be Saturday, November 11th here at the church. SIGN UP on the clipboard on the Welcome Table if you want to reserve some bacon for your plate! Pastor Billy leads this event, so if you have questions, just ax him.
Greg Struck just bought his first new car: 2018 white Toyota CHR with super cool wheels! If we ask sweetly, we can probably get a test ride around the building next week, because Greg is just a super nice guy.
Congratulations to Jessica Alvarez and Rashaad Gibbs who were married here in our church Friday! Pastor Julian officiated. We wish them decades of love and happiness!
Joe Meskin is excited to be receiving acceptance letters from various colleges. Let’s pray for wisdom as he will soon be making his choice. This young man is super intelligent, and any campus would be better for having him on it.
Brittany Batsch is out of the hospital but will need therapy to get her arm back to normal. Pray for pain relief and for her to be able to get back to work soon. All of us K-9 lovers send sympathies on the death of her beloved dog. Brittany was blindsided with a double whammy, so send her loving support on Face Book.
Happy Birthday to itty bitty Diana Lopez who will read this from across the miles. If you are in Meijer this week, find our Damen Hlad and wish him Happy Birthday, also!
Thank you to the people who are leaving gifts of postage stamps at the Graybars Project prison outreach table. With the holidays approaching, every one of them will be used. See you next Sunday! Watch for and be good to our visitors as we expect to see several responding to our doorhanger invites left all over the community. Have a fantastic week!
October 19, 2017:
Hello, friends!
Pastor Bob Smith delivered the message Sunday with text from John 8:12. Not only is he a good speaker, but he ALWAYS wears the coolest most unique socks! Team Revolution also spoke and shared a video of their volunteer work in Houston, TX following Hurricane Harvey. Isn’t it humbling to see where your donations went? Thank you for sharing and caring for our southern neighbors! Our team included Darren and Mishel Rych, Cynthia Petersen, Phil and Leslie Graniczny, Gene O’Brien, and Autumn Hensle.
We are sad to report that our eldest member, Grandma Mildred Ferguson, has been promoted to Heaven. Her funeral was in Memphis, TN on Friday, and our church was represented at her sweet service. There will be a second memorial at Revolution Church after service on Sunday, November 12 for local friends and family. Much love is going out to her family. Harvey, Jr. returned home with his sister, Brenda Hajek, so let’s welcome him back and enjoy him for as long as he can stay.
Pastor Julian met with Hallelujah Hoedown volunteers after service. Many thanks to those who have donated food and prizes for Saturday morning’s community outreach! Remember, there is a costume contest, so get creative with your outfit! Invite! Invite! Invite! Round of applause for the Wednesday night youth group and the adults who walked subdivisions with them last week and this one hanging over 2,000 invites on doors! Walkers enjoyed treats at the Manhattan Creamery at the end of the evening. (Goodness gracious, those Meskin boys can run like the wind when they are on a mission!)
Our first small group of the season kicked off last Wednesday with Larry DeSando leading a study on the Book of Acts. The group meets at the church at 7 pm. All are welcome!
Ladies: October Time Out fellowship is at Williamson’s Restaurant in New Lenox on Thursday the 26th, 6:30-8:30 pm. Notify Michelle Grifford if you are attending as she wants to save enough seats. Bring girlfriends, and let’s get to know each other better over food.
Our next adult event will be Oct. 28, 4-8-pm at Konow’s Corn Maze. Tickets are $15 paid in advance to Michelle Grifford. There will be a maze, hay ride, snacks, bonfire, and a live band. You must be 18+ to come. Sign on the clipboard on the Welcome Table.
Gardens are pretty much winding down for the season. Bring what you have and take what you need before the 2017 Harvest Table is put back into storage.
Happy Birthday to our Eileen DeSando who writes and posts Daily Scriptures for us! Phil and Michelle Grifford just celebrated their Silver Anniversary! Here’s to another 25 years together! Congrats to Bruce and Tammy Smit as Tammy’s son was married in Atlanta last weekend! Our Brittany Batsch is in the hospital, so send up some prayers for her speedy recovery.
We hope to see you next week. Remember, church starts at 10 am. Come at 9:30 if you want to pray in the kitchen. There are always inmate birthday cards to sign if you have 15 seconds to spare.
October 9, 2017:
Welcome back, friends!
We had a good crowd in church today. Visitors, we are glad you chose to worship with us. Enjoy your welcome bag, and do come again!
Pastor Billy preached from Ephesians 6 as he continued with “Don’t Give The Devil A Foothold” series. With the help of scripture and Ralphie and his Orphan Annie Secret Society Decoder pin video we were encouraged to use the tools God has given us to stand firm and know peace in the middle of a spiritual battle.
Miriam Sandoval addressed the church and shared the need for more volunteers to work in Kids’ Ministry, especially nursery. Will you take a turn so some of the regular volunteers can enjoy the worship service a little more frequently? It is not difficult, and you will be well trained. Thank you for serving our tiniest members!
Pastor Bob also addressed the church and had special prayer for the suffering in our world, particularly the people affected by the Las Vegas shootings, and the hurricane victims in TX, FL, and Puerto Rico.
Pastor Julian will be walking the neighborhoods of Manhattan hanging invites to the Hallelujah Hoedown on EVERY door THIS WEDNESDAY at 6:30 pm with our youth group. Wanna help? We also need volunteers to man games and help with set up/clean up for the October 21st 10 am – 2 pm community outreach. RSVP on the clipboard on the Welcome Table or speak with the Sandovals ASAP. We also are collecting individually wrapped candies for prizes for the next two weeks.
Would you like to study the book of Acts with us? Wednesday nights at 7 pm we will meet here at the church. Kick-off is THIS WEDNESDAY, October 11. Larry DeSando is leading, and can answer all your questions.
Our next adult fellowship event will be Oct. 28, 4-8-pm at Konow’s Corn Maze. Tickets are $15 paid in advance to Michelle Grifford. There will be a maze, hay ride, snacks, bonfire, and a live band. You must be 18+ to come. Sign on the clipboard on the Welcome Table.
Have you see Revolution’s scarecrow? It stands in front of the Manhattan Berkots. Can’t miss it as it is wearing a Revolution t-shirt and holding a Holy Bible. Judy and Greg Fash along with Diane Neakarse are the people who put the cute little fella together. Speaking of Judy, she outdid herself this week with the gorgeous fall décor all over the church. It was as pretty as stuff you see in magazines!
Our deepest love and condolences are going out to the family of Mildred Ferguson as God called her to come Home in the wee hours. At 94, she was our eldest member. Visitation and funeral plans are incomplete at the time of this posting, but Pastor Billy and Brenda Hajek will update us when they are able. Let's especially rally around Brenda and do anything we can to make this week easier for her. Death of a mama is hard enough without living hundreds of miles from home.
It was a really nice surprise to see Maria Batchelor back from GA. She wanted to come to our church for her birthday! We saw several other faces we hadn’t seen in quite a while, and that made us happy to give you hugs! Come back when you can, and know the door is always open to you. You know who you are.
Happy Birthday to Women’s Ministry leader, Pat Wozny, this Saturday! Thank you for all you do here, Pat! Happy birthday to inmate, Fred (the guy with the cat) in Michigan City. Inmate Danny in TX wrote to thank everybody who signed his birthday card last month.
The Harvest Table had turnips, mint, squash, and green tomatoes today. Thank you, gardeners! Isn’t it fun to enjoy each other’s crops? Wonder what will be available next week?
Next Sunday we will hear some of the adventures from the Hurricane Harvey team that served in Houston! Coffee, munchies, prayer, fellowship, and prisoner card signing are open to all, so come a little early and hang out with us. Have a blessed week and enjoy Columbus Day!
October 2, 2017:
Welcome back, friends!
First off, we must give a high five to Pat Wozny for the gorgeous outdoor autumn planters. They look fancy even from the highway. Judy Fash is responsible for the indoor fall décor in the back and on the Communion tables and cross. She says there will be more to come. Thank you, ladies! A+ classy job!
Several of our regular members are currently on our first home missions trip in Houston, TX helping with Hurricane Harvey clean-up efforts. They had not one, but TWO blowouts on the way to deliver all our donations, so they arrived a day late, but they are now busy being the hands and feet of Jesus. Pray for them Monday as they begin the long drive back to IL.
Pastor Billy began a new sermon series called “Don’t Give the Devil a Foothold” with text from Ephesians 6:29-32 and Ephesians 4:26-27. Many of you reached under your seat for a Bible only to discover they were all missing. No worries. We sent every pew Bible to Houston with the volunteer team to distribute to the people who lost everything. We have new ones ordered for the church.
Bass player, Phil, is in Houston, so we welcomed John Nordsell to play with the worship team. This is his second time with the band, and we appreciate him sharing his talent!
Several of our members traveled to the Holy Land last month, and today we welcomed them back with us. Tom Wozny addressed the church, and passed around an actual piece of a stone step where Jesus walked. Carrie Grafrath also shared a bit of her Israel adventure with the church. She was presented a Certificate of Baptism by Elder Wozny who baptized her in the Jordan River during their travels. We will hear more from this group and hopefully see travel photos.
Would you like to study the book of Acts with us? Wednesday nights 7 pm we will meet here at the church. Kick-off is October 11. Larry DeSando is leading, and can answer all your questions.
Pastor Julian will be going door-to-door in Manhattan personally inviting each family to attend our 2nd annual Hallelujah Hoedown. (Note: The date has been changed from Oct. 28th to Oct. 21, 10 am-2pm.) Please take a stack of invites from the back table to share with friends and your grandbabies. We want this outreach heavily attended! RSVP to the Sandovals if you will help walk the neighborhoods and/or work at the event.
Adult fellowship event will be Oct. 28, 4-8-pm at Konow’s Corn Maze. Tickets are $15 paid in advance to Michelle Grifford. There will be a maze, hay ride, snacks, bonfire, and a live band. You must be 18+ to come.
Be sure and sign up for online “Daily Scriptures” written by our Eileen DeSando. She is such a skilled writer, and we thank her for her faithfulness to provide such high-quality devotions for us!
Thank you to the gardeners who continue to bring vegetables to the Harvest Table. Bring what you have, and take what you need!
Congratulations to our Micah Meskin, student of the month at Spencer Crossing! Clapping and cheering!
Congratulations to Brenda Hajek for landing a new job at Joliet Junior College in the Veterans Resource Center! Considering Ron was a veteran, she will be a perfect fit for this position!
Happy 6th birthday to Princess Elisabeth Hippenhammer! Happy Birthday wishes also going out to Debbie Struck, Heather Smith, and Amanda Morgan! We love you, ladies! Inmate Robert from TX wrote to thank everybody who signed his birthday card.
See you again Sunday at 10 am. If we can help you in any way between now and then, please do get in touch with your deacon or any of the pastors. We want you to feel cared for at Revolution Church. Thank you for everything you do to keep this church running smoothly! You are loved here!
September 25, 2017:
Good Morning, Folks!
The last message in September’s Relationship Fixer Upper series was “Do We Judge Each Other?” Pastor Billy preached from Luke 6:37-38 and Matthew 7. We sang “Sweetly Broken” and shared in Holy Communion. There was a voluntary prayer meeting after the morning service for those who wished to stay.
Our Hurricane Relief Team leaves for Houston, TX this Wednesday, and plans to return the following Monday. Besides all the items donated by our church family, the Burbank Fire Department was particularly generous by donating diapers and hundreds of gallons of water to us! Pastor Bob Smith anointed with oil and led the blessing over the team that is making the trek while the congregation gathered around in agreement. Be in prayer for safe travels for Darren & Mishel Rych, Cynthia Petersen, and Phil & Leslie Graniczny. There is still time to go if you want to take your vehicle and help jockey more supplies. The Revolution trailer is full of your generosity! Contact Mishel for more info or questions.
Let us also be in prayer for the safe travels of several from our church who are touring the Holy Land this week. What an adventure and joy to walk where Jesus walked! We are looking forward to seeing their photos and hearing their stories when they return.
Ladies: September’s TIME OUT is Wednesday, the 27th at 6:30 pm. Invite some girlfriends, and let’s have a good turnout for food and fellowship. There is no agenda or study, just friendship. RSVP to Michelle Grifford ASAP as she likes to reserve seats together.
Pastor Sandoval and Miriam were out of town celebrating their 11th anniversary today. They encourage you to sign up to work the Hallelujah Hoedown community outreach in October. We had lots of fun last year!
Have you signed up for small group yet? We are to kick off next month. Leader, Bryan Milligan, can inform you of dates, times, and locations of the studies.
There were turnips and bell peppers at the Harvest Table today. Gardeners, remember to bring what you have, and take what you need!
We are now the proud owners of a ping-pong table! Thank you, George and Darla Carroll!
Did you see the stack of mail from our Graybars Project inmates? All our letter writing volunteers are surely doing something right, because this outreach is growing! Check out the board, and read the thank you notes.
Mildred Ferguson spent much of this past week in the hospital with pneumonia, but was moved back to the nursing home near Memphis this weekend. We are thankful she is feeling stronger.
Take good care of each other, and we will see you back next Sunday at 10 am. If you wish to come early and pray, there are people who meet in the kitchen at 9:30 for that purpose, and all are welcome. Thank you for all that you do and for all you give!
September 18, 2017:
Hello, again!
Welcome back to our webpage. We like it when you stop in to see what’s happening here at Revolution Church. It’s another busy week. Here’s what you should know:
Pastor Billy continued the Relationship Fixer Upper sermon series with a message called “The F-Word”. Before you get your knickers in a twist and run for the bar of soap, you should know the F stands for FORGIVENESS. Text was from Matthew 6:14-15. Pastor spoke of giving up the right to get even and to reconcile when possible. Pastoral studies student, Samantha Hines, shared her personal struggle with bitterness and anger, and how God is helping her wade through that. Pastor Bob Smith shared how God is helping his family work though an experience where forgiveness was needed and granted.
The worship team led us in “Eye of the Storm” keeping with the push to donate items for the Rychs’ trip to Houston, TX to help in an animal shelter and with general clean-up from Hurricane Harvey flood damage. If you want to go with them or have questions about the September 27/28 – Oct. 2 trip, see them ASAP. Thanks to everybody who donated items today. Did you see that big pile of LOVE stacked against the wall? Next Sunday is the last week for donations, or you can drop off items with Mishel and Darren.
Since everybody’s gardens are petering out, there were no veggies at the Harvest Table today, but the Knotts were generous to share a basket of apples they picked in Michigan. Remember to bring what you have and take what you need.
Today was the final day to have photos taken for the church directory. Kathleen Milligan and Cynthia Petersen have worked hard putting this together for us. THANK YOU, ladies!
Did you sign up for a small group yet? They kick off in October with various locations and nights of the week. Bryan Milligan is the man to answer your questions of who, what, where, and when.
Miriam and Pastor Julian Sandoval invited us all to participate in our 2nd Annual Hallelujah Hoedown community outreach October 28, 10am-2 pm. We want a parking lot full of neighborhood kids enjoying games and prizes. There will also be a costume contest, so put on your thinking caps now, and come up with something fun and creative. Watch for the volunteer sign-up sheet at the Welcome Table.
Autumn Hensle was in a nasty multi-car accident this week, and is so blessed to still be in one piece. Thank you, God, for protecting him from injury. One of our young women is entering a 90-day drug rehab in Kentucky today, and she is both excited and scared. She asks for prayers that she can get clean and healthy again. Grandma Mildred Ferguson has been ill and is now residing at a skilled care facility. Let’s flood her with cards to let her know she is loved. Here is the address:
Mildred Ferguson - Room 104
The King’s Daughters and Sons
3568 Appling Rd.
Bartlett, TN 38133
Happy Birthday, Roger Sandoval! We are so thankful you are part of this church!
Remember that next week there is monthly prayer meeting for those who wish to stay after service. Take a peek at the bulletin board as there are two really sweet thank you letters from inmates written to everybody who signed their birthday cards. We hope to see all of you back next Sunday with a friend in tow!
September 11, 2017:
Good Morning, friends. Today on this 16th anniversary of 9-11, we pause to remember lives that were lost. We pray for peace across this country.
Yesterday at church Pastor’s Relationship Fixer Upper series message was about dysfunction in families. Text was from Genesis 28. There was special prayer for the storm victims in Texas and Florida. Harvey and Irma have just about mopped the floor with our neighbors to the south. We were happy to have Gabriella Herrera with us as she was able to flee Florida before the storm hit.
Darren and Mishel Rych are leading the team collecting and delivering donations for Hurricane Harvey relief and clean -up. They are going to Houston, TX either late on Sept. 27 or early on the 28th and plan to return Monday. There is a list of the most needed items for animals and humans on the Welcome Table, but some commonly requested things are hats, trash bags, bug spray, and gloves (medical and work styles). We are collecting for TWO WEEKS. There will be buckets and boxes in the back of the church, so let’s fill them!
We had eight new members added to the roll, so let’s officially welcome these good people: Carrie Grafrath, George and Darla Carroll, Gene O’Brien, Samantha Hines, Diane Neakarse, Jason and Kristen Hippenhammer.
Applause for all the people who participated in the Disco Labor Day parade in Manhattan last Monday. Candy donors, puppeteers, truck and trailer donors, float decorators, marchers and dancers, and those who took the time to pull together vintage costumes, we say THANK YOU for a fun day of representing our church!
You have another opportunity for community outreach with our second annual HALLELUJAH HOEDOWN on Saturday October 28th. Listen at church for more info and how you can sign up to volunteer. Pastor Julian and Miriam are leaders for this event.
Graybars Project was represented at six prison tent revivals in Rockville, Indiana women’s facility this weekend. It is an honor to serve God’s prodigals behind the razor wire. Thank you for signing the inmate birthday cards this month. Those simple cards have cracked open many a calloused heart.
Small Group sign-up sheets are now on the Welcome Table. Check out the times and locations, and see which fits your family best. Bryan Milligan can answer questions and give more info!
Appreciation to our gardeners who continue to share their extra food on our Harvest Table. Bring what you have, and take what you need!
We are in need of volunteers to serve the Lord helping with our children and babies. Try it one Sunday, and see if you enjoy it. We will train you well. This is a wonderful way to be a blessing here at Revolution Church. We all need to be helping in some way to keep this church running smoothly, and if we all do a little, nobody has to do a lot.
Happy 14th birthday, Chris Meskin! Happy birthday to inmate Archie S. in TX! Congratulations to Tammy Smit who is now a grandma! She welcomes Ryleigh Addison, born in NC. Sending love across the miles to Mildred Ferguson who has been in the hospital in Memphis the past few days. Asking for travel safety for Brenda Hajek who is there and will be traveling back to IL when mom is stable.
See you next Sunday at 10 am. Have a blessed week!
September 3, 2017:
Hi, friends!
Thank you for coming to church on this final weekend of summer. Next week all of our vacationers should be back, and our seats will be full again. We have missed our travelers!
Pastor Billy kicked off September with the new series “Relationship Fixer Upper” with a sermon called “Unity in the Church”. Text was from Galations 3 and Ephesians 4 where the scriptures teach us to be humble, gentle, and patient with each other. We are to be UNIFIED, but not UNIFORM…. Together, but different.
Did everybody get to meet little Scarlett Hippenhammer? This was her first Sunday with us. How sweet she is! Proud parents are Jason and Kristen. We are told her three big sisters cannot stop kissing the baby.
Labor Day parade is MONDAY, Sept. 4th, and all who are marching or riding the church float will meet at First St. and S. Park St. in Manhattan at 10:15 for line up. Actual event kicks off at 11. We can always use more candy to pass to the folks on the sidewalk. Be creative! Dig out your platform shoes and shimmery disco retro clothes and let’s make this FUN! It’s impossible to be in bad mood when you are wearing a feather boa! Some of our members have worked hard on their costumes and tie-dyed shirts.
Our hearts have sunk watching the flooding in Texas, and here is an opportunity to do something to help our neighbors to the south. Darren and Mishel Rych are traveling to TX September 20-25, and they are willing to carry your donations there. They would love to have a caravan of workers who would accompany them to assist with the cleaning and rebuilding of the communities so heavily damaged. There are donation sheets at the Welcome Table, and all your items may be left at the church for collection. Talk to the Rychs for more details!
Did you find some yummy items at our harvest table this morning? Remember, if you have extra produce, bring it. If you need it, take it. Be blessed!
Thank you for those new people who stayed after service for the Exploring Membership class and pizza lunch. We hope you learned more about what this church believes and how it can serve your family. We are glad you attended.
Meet Your Deacon introduction letters were mailed this past week. Did you get yours? If not, let us know, and we will be sure you are assigned a deacon. These leaders were put in their positions to be of help to you, so do not hesitate to call should you need prayer or assistance.
Remember to check out the Daily Scriptures on Face Book! Eileen DeSando devotes much time and thought to create and post these devotions for us, so click, read, and uplift your heart!
Thanks to the ladies who brought their girlfriends to Smokey Barque in Frankfort for Thursday’s “Time Out”. It is always good to see new faces smiling back from across the table. Welcome!
It was great to see Ken Poort back with us this morning. Continue praying for him as he takes his radiation treatments. Looking good, Ken!
Happy Birthday to Robbie Fosen! Happy Birthday to Keaghan Graniczny!
See everybody next Sunday at 10 am. If you want to pray before church, that begins at 9:30 in the kitchen. Enjoy this week! HAPPY HOLIDAY!
August 28, 2017:
Welcome back, friends! If you wore your cardboard solar glasses like you were supposed to and didn't burn your retinas marveling at the eclipse last Monday, you can read below to see what's happening at Revolution Church. If you stared at the sun with your binoculars like Deacon Darren said he was going to do, then you need to feel around and find a friend to read this to you, because there is some good stuff in here this week.
Pastor Billy finished up the Colossians study with text from Chapter 4 and a sermon titled, "Encourage Your Hearts". We were taught to be vigilant, thankful, in relationship, and to be prayerful, which is nothing more than talking to "Daddy God". We also shared in Communion. (Thank you, Larry DeSando, for always setting up our Communion tables with such care.)
Bryan Milligan, leader of the small group ministry, invites each person to become involved in an upcoming fall study. Every Wednesday at 7 pm here at the church we will be studying Acts. This begins October 11. Every other Wednesday there is another group that will meet in various homes in Tinley Park, Orland Park, and New Lenox. Sign up sheets and info are on the Welcome Table.
The Harvest Table had an abundance of tomatoes, cukes, and zucchini today. Always take what you need, and be blessed. Thank you, gardeners!
After service was the end of the month prayer meeting for those who wanted to stay. This is always held on the last Sunday of the month if you want to mark your calendar.
Eileen and Larry DeSando hosted TWO connection events at their New Lenox home this week. Friday evening 22 adults gathered for fried chicken supper with all of us contributing sides and desserts. Miriam Sandoval won the humongous prize basket! Sunday afternoon they hosted the Singles Ministry gathering and enjoyed pork chops on the grill, a hand carved watermelon basket, and lots of potluck goodies. (On a side note, their flowers were spectacular! Two green thumbs up for all the blooms and colors out back!)
The next opportunity for a meal together is TIME OUT for ladies and their female adult friends. We will meet at Smoky Barque on Kansas Street in Frankfort, Thursday at 6:30-8:30 pm. Everybody pays their own bill, and you can order a full meal, an appetizer, a dessert, or just come for the fellowship. Michelle Grifford needs to reserve seats, so RSVP her if you are going.
Next Sunday, Sept. 3, is Exploring Membership class. You must RSVP in advance so we can prepare enough food for a light lunch. This is a time for new people to ask questions and learn what we believe at this church. There is no obligation to join after the class, so relax and come learn about us.
Labor Day parade in Manhattan is 11 AM, MONDAY, Sept. 4th! We want YOU to march or ride with us. This year's theme is 70's Disco, so let's dress up, be silly, and have fun. Our children are wearing tie-dye shirts. Some of our adults have been raiding thrift shops for vintage styles and wigs, so we are eager to see their costumes. Next Sunday is the final day to bring candy to throw.
Did you know we expanded on church by two feet? It's true! In the wee hours of August 24th, Jason and Kristen Hippenhammer welcomed their FOURTH princess, Scarlett Abigail, who debuted at 9 lbs, 20 and 1/2 inches! Thank you to those providing meals for this family through Fishes and Loaves. If you would like to participate, see Dawn Gonda who leads this ministry.
Congratulations to George and Darla Carroll on their birth of their first grandchild! Oliver Ryan Stomberg was born 8-4-17 to daughter, Abi, and her husband, Ryan, in Ft. Worth, TX!
Applause for Erin Moore Kuiken's husband, Van, who was on a segment of Fox News 32 Chicago this week when he took TV anchor, Jake Hamilton, up for a hang-glide ride! How exciting!
Join us next Sunday when Pastor Billy kicks off his September series called "Relationship Fixer Upper" We will learn how Jesus can help restore relationships through scripture. Come early, and enjoy coffee, conversation, and check out the inmate birthday cards that need signing on the Graybars Project table. Pen-pals should pick up your mail there, too. Have a blessed week!
August 21, 2017:
Good Morning!
In just a little bit we will behold the spectacular, long-awaited solar eclipse, and without a doubt, some will ignore the repeated warnings, and stare at the sun anyway, so read this column fast before you go stone blind. LOL
School has started, so we figure next week most of our families will be back in their seats after enjoying summer vacations. We have missed you while you have been gone! Pastor Billy continued with his study in Colossians, preaching from Chapter 3:12-19 which reminds us we are chosen, holy, and beloved.
Did you take advantage of the free produce at our Harvest Table? Bring your extra fruits, veggies, and herbs, and take what you need!
Brenda Hajek was the surprise guest speaker at Saturday’s “Hello My Name Is” brunch at Penny Knott’s home. 14 ladies brought food to pass and enjoyed the fellowship! Thank you to all who attended!
Today is final day to register for attending and volunteering at the women’s prison tent revivals in Rockville, Indiana on September 8-9. Several have expressed interest, but there is a strict deadline for background checks, no exceptions.
Larry and Eileen DeSando are hosting two fellowship events at their home this week. Friday at 6:30 pm is an adult cookout. Bring a friend, a chair, and a dish to pass. Find a sitter for the kids this time. Singles will meet there on Sunday, August 27th at 4 pm. These are the final connection events for the summer, so don’t miss out!
The Coke candy bin is filling up, but we can always use more for the Labor Day Parade on Monday, Sept. 4th. We want more donors and walkers. It will be fun! Remember, the theme is 70’s Disco, so dig through the closet and attic and see how creative you can be!
Have you signed up for the September 3rd Exploring Membership class? We are providing light lunch for each participant after church, so it is mandatory to RSVP in advance. There is no obligation to join after attending. Just come, listen, and get a better understanding of what Revolution is all about.
Happy Anniversary to the Grafraths! Happy Birthday, Elder Tom Wozny, resident florist, Judy Fash, and to our sweet Kathy Felchlin!
See you Sunday!
August 14, 2017:
Welcome, Friends!
Some of our people are trying to squeeze in final vacation opportunities before summer is over, so we were minus several families today. We miss you when you are not here! You can watch today’s message from Colossians Chapter 3 online by clicking WATCH on our home page Monday afternoon. PayPal option for offerings and tithes is also on the home page for those who wish to support their church on weeks they are away.
Immediately following church, several stayed to support Jan Golden’s family at her brother’s memorial service. “Rob” Hicks had been a member of Graybars Project, and this church had written to him and signed group cards to help him feel loved and cared for, and he had written back to us. We are honored to have had the privilege of serving him. Thank you to Pastor Billy and the worship team for their efforts, and thanks to those of you who spoke during the service. We had several visitors who showed up for this. Thank you for the warm welcome you gave these good people. Be extra generous with the love when you see Jan and the twins, as this is a rugged time.
Let’s shift gears here and talk about FOOD. Did you do some grocery shopping at the back table this morning? There were turnips, yellow squash, zucchini, bell pepper, turnip greens, fresh mint, and even yellow watermelon seeds for next spring…. free for the taking. Thank you to those gardeners who are sharing their surplus. Bring what you have, and take what you need.
Several of you have shared your 30 Day Prayer cards with others, and that is fantastic. There are plenty on the welcome table. Remember, you can still send encouragement cards to those among us who need a boost. The postcards are found under your seat. Leave your message in the connection card box or the offering, and we will add postage, address, and mail them for you!
Kathleen Milligan is asking everybody to approve their photo directory info before it goes to the printer. All she needs is an “OK” or written correction beside your entry. This is found on the Welcome Table.
Our Coke bin is filling up with parade candy. THANK YOU! We still need more, so keep us in mind when you shop this week. The Labor Day parade theme is “70’s Disco”. How fun! Wanna dress up or walk with us?
We have two opportunities for fellowship this week. The first is for Seniors 55+ and their spouses on Wednesday at noon at JC and Sonia McHargue’s Frankfort home. This is potluck, so bring a chair and a friend. The second event is “Hello My Name Is” brunch for women and their female friends Saturday, 9 am at Penny Knott’s Manhattan home. There will be an unnamed guest speaker for this meal.
The following week the DeSando family hosts an adults only potluck cookout August 25, 6:30 pm in their New Lenox home. Take a chair and a friend. August 27, 4pm they also host a Singles meal which is always fun. See the clipboards on the Welcome Table to sign up what you will take to share.
Exploring Membership class is Sept. 3, Sunday after church. We will provide child care, so it is imperative that you sign up so we can have enough volunteers.
Graybars Project invites you to participate in multiple tent revival services on the grounds of Rockville Women’s Prison in Rockville, Indiana September 8 and 9. You must pass a background check before passing through the gate. Those mandatory forms are on the Graybars table, and must be completed within the next two weeks. Sign some new birthday cards while you are there!
Durk Lee earned a Lifetime Achievement award from Illinois Officials Association for 57 years of service as an umpire! He is looking forward to umpiring again next season! He is SOOOO COOL!
Thank you for everything you give and for everything you do to support this church. Special thanks to those of you who faithfully volunteer week after month after year with gladness and joy and do not have to be begged to serve your church family. God keeps excellent records even when it seems nobody else notices. See you next week!
August 6, 2017:
Hello again!
Today’s message was “Freedom From Rules” with text from Colossians 2:13-23. Special thanks to Law-Making Larry and Carrie the Hippie for their theatrics to help drive home the points. We learned the dangers of legalism, mysticism, and asceticism.
Larry DeSando introduced us to 30-Day Prayer cards and invited us to share them with people who are neither relatives nor members here since we should be praying for those folks anyway. You can pick yours up at the welcome table.
Miriam Sandoval is taking names for a free CPR class to be taught in August. Ten slots are open and going fast. Call her ASAP if you need certification.
The veggie table is now open near the coffee table! Leave your extra garden crops, and take home what you need. This is a great way to be good stewards of the food God has given to us. Do not let one bite be wasted!
Have you brought your candy yet? (One guy bought his, but ATE IT ALL before he could get to church!) We are marching in the Manhattan Labor Day Parade in September, and we must have enough candy to throw. Put your donations in the giant Coke barrel.
Upcoming events are:
Seniors 55+ meet at JC and Sonia McHargue’s Frankfort home on Wednesday, August 16th at noon. Sign up for potluck, and bring a lawn chair.
“Hello My Name Is” Women’s Brunch meets at Penny Knott’s Manhattan home August 19th, 9-11 am. Sign up to provide specific dishes. No kids.
Potluck/cookout hosted by Eileen and Larry DeSando in New Lenox is Friday, August 25th, 6:30 pm. Bring a lawn chair and see the sign up list for food. No kids.
Singles meet August 27th, 4 PM, at the DeSando’s home in New Lenox. Sign up for potluck, and bring a lawn chair.
Exploring Membership class will be Sunday, September 3rd after service. We need an accurate head count for this, so you must SIGN UP at the Welcome Table ASAP!
Graybars Project invites you to attend an old-timey tent revival at the Plainfield Women’s Correctional Center in Indiana September 8 and 9. Background checks are required for admission to prison grounds, so sign up early for clearance! We are waiting for the juvenile detention center in Joliet to assign us a library tour date to see how they have used our donated paperbacks.
Amanda Morgan’s daughter, Brenna, turned TWO! Happy Birthday, Bobby Smith and Jason Strzelecki! Blaine Petersen turns 51 Tuesday, and Carrie Grafrath celebrates Wednesday!
Deepest condolences to Jan Golden’s family on the passing of her brother James Robert Hicks. For a time, Rob was one of our Graybars members, and his Christmas card to the church was posted on the board. Service arrangements were incomplete at the time of this post.
Thanks to all who faithfully attend and to all who continue to give of your time and talents to keep this church growing! You are loved and appreciated. Let us know how we can help you. See you next Sunday!
July 30, 2017:
What a blessed family service we enjoyed today! Pastor Billy was back in the pulpit and leading worship after being on vacation with his crew last week. Colossians 2:13 was his text, and the message taught us to stay out of the strong current of our culture’s misleading philosophies so we don’t get swept away. Afterwards, we sang Crowder’s “Come As You Are” and shared in Communion.
Deacons and Elders were introduced to the congregation, and hands were laid on George and Darla Carroll as the people prayed he will be effective in his new position as deacon. Larry DeSando was appointed Chairmen of Deacons. After church, several folks stayed for our monthly prayer meeting.
Wednesday evening’s TIME OUT at Gatto’s was enjoyed by eight ladies! Listen for location for August’s gathering.
‘Tis the season for gardening, and those of you with extra fruits, herbs, and veggies are encouraged to share with your church family. Bring what you have, and take home what you need, so we all will have enough.
Bags of Labor Day parade candy are being collected in the large Coca-Cola bin in the sanctuary. Last year we ran out long before the end of the route, so we are collecting earlier this year. Will you donate?
Fishes and Loaves is organizing meals for Amanda Morgan’s family after the birth of her daughter, Ruby. Thanks to those who have already taken food. Contact Dawn Gonda if you can take over some lovin’ from your oven!
Some Graybars Project members volunteered to serve at a tent revival at the Plainfield Correctional Center in Indiana last Friday night, and thoroughly enjoyed worshipping with the inmates. There is opportunity to attend another revival at Rockville Correctional Facility for Women in Rockville, Indiana September 8-10. Background checks are mandatory for admission. Watch for sign-up sheets.
Seniors 55+ will gather at JC and Sonia McHargue’s Frankfort home at noon on Wednesday, August 16 to share a meal.
August 19th is a women’s event hosted by Penny Knott in Manhattan. “Hello, My Name Is” brunch with a speaker is Saturday from 9-11 am.
Larry and Eileen DeSando are hosting our next adult cookout on Friday, August 25 at 6:30 pm. They also are hosting a Single’s Ministry meal on Sunday, August 27th, at 4 pm.
Sunday, September 3 after service, Pastor Billy will teach an “Exploring Membership” class for all newbies who have recently hopped aboard the Revolution train and think you might want to stick around. No strings. No obligations.
Have a blessed week. See you Sunday a bit before 10 am. Bring a buddy! --- Tammy