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September 6, 2016:




Thank you, Lord, for the beautiful September sky above us as we held our first service outside our new building in Manhattan today! A good crowd showed up to worship in the parking lot, and the crowd and the music caused many folks passing on the highway to turn and take notice of our festivities! THANK YOU to the faithful volunteers who once again showed up early to set up chairs, screen, instruments, children’s tent, hospitality, welcome table, video, audio, and tech table.  THANK YOU to the people who pushed up their sleeves and sweated to tear it down and pack it all away after the final amen.  Today wouldn’t have been possible without all our willing workers.


Michelle Grifford sold our new logo shirts in the parking lot today.  Adults paid $10, and kids paid $6.  She has a few left, so bring your money next Sunday if you want one.


Labor Day Parade is tomorrow morning in Manhattan.  Line up is 10:15 and step off is at 11:00.  The route is about a mile.  We will have two vintage autos and another truck accompanying our entourage.  You are encouraged to walk/ride with our church. Bring candy to throw if you can. Strollers, wagons, and trikes are welcome for your little ones.  Wear your new Revolution Church t-shirt, dress for fun, and join us Monday!   For more info, ask Michelle Grifford.


Huge thanks for good folks who have cleaned, painted, hung mirrors and what-not at the building this past week. Some of you sweated in the sun trimming and weeding overgrown landscaping.  Harvey, Darren, and Bruce gave up their Friday night in Morris to load a U-Haul full of our church furniture.  Several of you showed up Saturday morning to unload that truck at the site, trying to meet deadline for Grand Opening.  Thank you:  Heather G., Leslie, Phil and Phil, Michelle and Mishel, Darren, Bruce, Harvey, Tammy, Blaine, Cynthia, Penny, Jordan, Bob S., Bryan, Kathleen, Gregory, David, Agnes, and, of course, Pastor Billy who puts in more physical labor than many of us combined.


Thanks for those who are donating items for the kitchen and the bathrooms! Durk & Linda, thank you for going shopping for us!  Bob Hensle donated enough toilet paper to keep every man, woman, child, and babies yet to be born stocked up for a long time!  Check that Wish List from your bulletin last week, and see how you might like to help us stock this place.


Praise God for those who are financially generous and faithful when the offering basket is passed! We need you now more than ever to help us pay for this permanent church home.  Everybody is able to help in some meaningful way if we truly desire to contribute.  Time, Treasure, Talents.  How will God use your family? Online far away readers, your gifts could be a tremendous blessing this week, too!  If ever you are in the area, you must come and visit us!


Brenda Hajeck gave our ladies an invite to THE EVERY WOMAN EXPO on October 15, 8:30-5 pm in Crown Point, Indiana which is only about an hour from the church.  Each person is responsible for paying and registering herself with the booklet received at church today, but Brenda asks that you tell her you registered so we can arrange carpools and travel as a group. Early registration ends in a few days, so chop chop!


Sadly, today was the last time we will get to love on Harvey Ferguson and Grandma Mildred for several months.  While we are throwing candy in the morning, they will be en route back home to Memphis. Let’s pray for traveling safety for them and for Brenda who is chauffeuring.


Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday to all who celebrated in August. That computer file got deleted, and we’d never want anybody to feel they got left out.  Sorry!


Next Sunday is our official opening, so bring friends and family, and let us launch big in this community! Come a bit early to take a tour and get a good seat.  Friday and Saturday have been declared two days of prayer and fasting for this ministry to be blessed.  More details will be provided later in the week, so watch for those online. 


During this final week of construction, we need EVERYBODY to step up and HELP if you are physically able to do so.  Sweeping, cleaning, dusting, vacuuming, setting up chairs, squishing spiders, etc.  There is MUCH to do, more than plenty to go around for everybody, so PLEASE pull up your work britches, twist your hair into a scrunchie, and come alongside your church family and do your part. This is your invite.  WE NEED YOU… and YOU …and YOU… and YOUANDYOUANDYOU to get us over the final hump.  Let’s cross the finish line together!




August 29, 2016:



Hello again, friends!


Yesterday we finished another chapter in the book of Revolution Church as we shared in Communion and said goodbye to the Lincolnway Special Recreation Center that served as our very comfortable temporary home for the past 16 months. It was a bittersweet feeling to pack up the stage and all our supplies and equipment for the final time there. Lots of photos were taken for the scrapbookers among us.  We were treated very well there, and we thank those who allowed us to use the facility for as long as we needed it.


Next Sunday we will meet at the new building in Manhattan! (Shhhhhh!  Listen! …..  Do you hear that?  THAT is the sound of the very tired set up crew clapping and cheering!) Crews are laboring extended hours attempting to complete construction so we can worship inside the new sanctuary September 4th.  Should it not be totally finished, we will simply have an outdoor service for adults, and children will attend their service and nursery inside since their portion should be finished.  Blessed are the flexible for they will not get bent out of shape! Amen? 


We must acknowledge and appreciate some hard working volunteers who pushed up their sleeves and swept, vacuumed, painted, and trimmed weeds at the new building this past weekend.  HUMONGOUS THANKS TO:  Sue, Nathaniel, Greg, Kathleen, Michelle, Blaine, Bryan, Penny, Phil, Lynnford, Cynthia, Darren, Tammy and Miriam.  Pastor Julian had the flu, but came and tried to work between bouts of barfing.  All those work day photos you saw on Face Book and on the Sunday overheads were snapped by him after he became too sick to paint, but still tried to be productive. Now THAT is dedication!


Pastor Billy has been like the Energizer Bunny the last few weeks interviewing, hiring, and paying contractors, keeping the roads hot picking up, delivering, returning, redelivering, and unloading supplies, lunches, tools, and materials needed for this building project. He has been up to his ankles in concrete and up to his elbows in paint at all hours. This is on top of all his pastoral and personal responsibilities. He has never asked us to do what he himself is not willing to do, and you gotta respect that.  If you are physically able and have the desire to help stretch our dollars by doing some of this labor, we can most definitely use your help NOW. Remember our motto: “If everybody does a little, nobody has to do a lot.”   There are still plenty of opportunities THIS WEEK to step up and help finish the sanctuary.  Donations are also needed to cover these final construction costs.  If you cannot help with labor, perhaps you can help us financially.  To put a spin on our motto: “If everybody gives a little, nobody has to give a lot.”  There are so many ways to be a blessing this week.  Choose one!


Inside your bulletin there was a WISH LIST.  For those who were absent here is what we need for the new building: two vacuum cleaners in good condition, kitchen serving utensils (not silverware), serving platters, baby changing table, cleaning supplies, cleaning products, and a filing cabinet. Put the word out, as people are often willing to donate when they know there is a need.


Labor Day parade is 11 A.M. in Manhattan on Monday, September 5th, and you are invited to walk with us to make our presence known in the community.  Invitations to the September 11th Grand Opening service will be saturating Manhattan mailboxes this week, so people will have heard of us by then.  Michelle Grifford believes our church t-shirts should arrive within the next few days, so be sure and bring your money Sunday so you can wear yours in the parade.


Best wishes to Jordan Knott, Brenda Hajek, and Autumn Hensle as they all began classes at Joliet Junior College.  How wonderful to see familiar faces on campus!  (Speaking of Autumn, he just got his driver’s license.  Yay for that!) Remember to pray for all of our students and school employees as they adjust to new sleep and work schedules.


It’s a super busy week, so pray hard, work hard, and eat your Wheaties. Somehow, with our faithfulness and God’s help, it always manages to all get done.  See you next Sunday!





August 22, 2016:



Happy Monday!


People are certainly enjoying the “Jonah” series this month! Pastor Billy’s text was from Chapter 3 and might as well have been titled “Bleached and Beached” as we followed the story of a stubborn Jonah finally making his way to Nineveh.  Pastor Julian’s puppets along with his outrageously silly dramatists are reinforcing the Jonah tale in children’s church, too.  They were having so much fun in their area, we overheard two older adults say they wanted to start attending kids’ service.  Now THAT’S a compliment!


Many thanks to the early morning volunteers who were busy bees and counted and bundled all 5000 of our large, glossy, September 11 Grand Opening mailers that will be distributed all over Manhattan this week. Their efforts saved the church over $1000 rather than paying the post office to do the work.

Pastor encourages everybody to check out the building progress photos on Face Book.  Search for @revolutionchurch1 on Facebook and click LIKE.  The nursery and the area for our community food pantry are done! Doors are going up, and toilets and sinks have been delivered. If you are handy and neat with a roller, you are invited to help us paint the kids’ area probably Thursday or Friday. This task can turn messy fast, so this invite is for ADULTS ONLY. No childcare is provided. None. Nada. Zilch. Zeroooo. 


Remember to bring or mail in your special offering to help us pay off the final construction costs! Many of you reading this could be a tremendous blessing by writing a check and helping us over this hump. You watch us every week online, and you enjoy this column, so indirectly you are part of this body from across the miles. It's "all hands on deck" as we step into this new building! Take part in our joy!


Everybody loves a parade! Monday, September 5, we will be participating in the Manhattan Labor Day parade, and we want YOU to come walk with us! Bruce Smit will have his antique vehicles with the ooga horns to accompany and carry some folks who have trouble walking that far. Michelle Grifford is in charge of this community outreach, so go to her with your questions or comments.  She has ordered new Revolution t-shirts which will be arriving soon, so we can make a good showing.  Come out, and have a good time with us!


Thank you for signing the birthday card for Ray, one of our prisoners all the way out in Idaho. There will be a card passed for inmate Joe next Sunday. These small remembrances have tremendous impact on many of these men and women who struggle with sadness especially on days that are happiest for those of us in the free world.   If you like what Graybars Project is doing, we could sure benefit from your donation of postage stamps and lined legal pads, as our letter writers are blowing through writing supplies faster than you might think!


How nice that our gardeners continue to leave fresh produce on the welcome table!  When you see veggies there, you don’t have to ask permission, just take some if you want them.  You don’t have to be “poor” or “broke” to qualify. We are trying to be good stewards of what God has given us and don’t want one bite of food to go to waste.   Don’t know about anybody else, but “FREE” is my favorite vegetable!


Congratulations to Justin Graniczny, conga drummer, for landing a new job doing security. We love to see good things happen to good people!


Who has the talent and the creativity to help us look good in our new community? Is it YOU? The following ad is submitted from Michelle Grifford: 


Help Wanted! We are going to sponsor a decorated Christmas Tree at the Winter Wonderland at Round Barn Farm. Decorating begins on 11/28. Looking for a tree decorating committee. Would need to supply materials for whatever you come up with. Winter Wonderland will be held on Dec 10 & 11.


See you next Sunday for our FINAL SERVICE at the Special Recreation Center. 10 AM sharp! Come a little early, and check out the sign-up sheets for the new women’s Bible study, “Life’s Healing Choices” and the Discipleship program led by Penny Knott. Prayer in the kitchen starts at 9:30, and everybody is invited.





August 15, 2016:



Hi, folks!


If you went to bed Sunday night still feeling happiness in your heart, raise your black sharpies high! Immediately after service Pastor Billy invited everybody to go to our new building, take a tour, and sign the concrete before the carpet is laid.  Some folks wrote their favorite scriptures, and some simply wrote their names with the date.  Others listed friends and family they pray will receive Christ.  Many of us joyfully wrote for folks who could not be there for one reason or another.  At the end of the signing, we held hands and prayed for the ministry’s success in Manhattan.


The silliest part of the afternoon was when Pastor got a wild hair and took off running around the new sanctuary with Grandma Mildred Ferguson’s wheelchair --  with her still in it! Round and round and figure eights they cut, with Mildred’s hands high in the air, laughing her head off and hollering “Hallelujah!”  Amen to that! Thank you, Lord, for blessing us with a permanent home! Hallelujah, indeed!


So many of you have been watching from the wings and telling us you clap and cheer from afar, so now is the time to put your money where your mouth is and help us over this final construction hurdle. We need almost $4,000 to pay off the last of the construction bills, and if we all give a little, the need is completely met. Pray to hear God clearly, and then help us with an offering.  This has never ever been a church that hounds folks to death for their money, but we ask today because this is a worthy endeavor, and the need is NOW.  Thanks to those who have already contributed!  You will be blessed for sowing into this ministry!


Let’s throw this truck into reverse and back up to Sunday morning church news.  Deacon Phil, who consistently does more grunt work for stage and electronic setup than almost anybody, took a much deserved vacation this weekend, and what a void he left! The set up team had to hustle like one-armed paper hangers to get the equipment hooked up in time for service. Standing there scratching our heads holding wads of black cables, we needed W.W.P.D. wristbands. (What Would Phil Do?) Whew!  Glad that is over and done.  Thank you, Lynnford Fulmer, for stepping up and sweatin’ for Jesus!  Bruce Smit is usually the camera guy, but he picked up the bass with the worship team in Phil’s absence, and had himself a good time.  Thank you, guys, for shouldering extra responsibilities so Phil could take a breather!


The study of the book of Jonah continued, and Pastor taught us about the three different kinds of storms the Lord uses to bring us closer to Him: Protecting, Perfecting, and Correcting.  We all got a good laugh when our wonderful drummer, Robert Gates, the tennis instructor at Moraine Valley Community College, demonstrated several tennis serves during the sermon as visual aids for the message.


Thank you to the generous green-thumbed families who continue to share their garden groceries at the welcome table! Yesterday we discovered fresh basil, peppers, cucumbers, tomAHtoes for the high-class gardenless members, and tuh-may-ters for the rest of us po folk.  Bring what ya got, and take what ya need, and don’t be shy about it.


Graybars Project volunteers, here’s good news for you! Your ministry was invited to set up a large display at the Sister’s Closet fundraiser at Lincolnway Christian Church in New Lenox Friday evening for shoppers to explore.  There were lots of curious folks browsing the board. Several took the orange inmate prayer request sheets, and folks who don’t even attend Revolution Church were promising to donate Christmas cards when the time comes for that!  Deacon Blaine has graciously agreed to do a one on one correspondence Bible study with a prisoner half way across the country, and the young man is beyond excited.  Discipleship across the miles!


Speaking of discipleship, Penny Knott will be heading up a women’s discipleship program beginning in the fall.  If you feel led to disciple or desire to be taught how to better follow the Lord, talk to her to see where you will best fit.   More information can be found at the welcome table.


The first and third Thursdays of the month Penny will also be leading a new study for women called “Life’s Healing Choices.” Class will begin at our new facility after construction is finished.  Sign up at the welcome table, and listen for the start date.


Women’s Christmas Brunch and party will be Saturday, Dec. 3rd.  Don’t schedule anything else for that morning, as this will be memorable.


A living room full of women attended “Hello My Name Is” breakfast at Linda Lee’s home in Frankfort Saturday morning.  Thank you, Linda, for hosting, and thanks to all who contributed food and beverages.  Cynthia Petersen, leader of our drama team, was our speaker, and she helped us get to know her better by sharing her testimony. Miriam Sandoval won the door prize, so congrats to her.  It was a fun morning!


See you all next Sunday.  Prayer in the kitchen is at 9:30, and 10:00 the music starts.  THANK YOU for coming on time so all can enjoy worship!  Kids are having so much fun with Pastor Julian and his assistants at children’s service.  If your children haven’t experienced their method of teaching God’s word, bring them Sunday, and let the fun begin.  They are also studying Jonah with the help of our favorite puppet, Lazy Larry!   Have a blessed week!




August 8, 2016:


Good morning, friends! Yesterday Pastor Billy launched the new August series, “Jonah”, with text taken from -- yep, you got it -- the book of Jonah!  There was a good crowd, and we were pleased to have Pastor Julian and Miriam back doing children’s ministry after their travels to Florida for Miriam’s mom’s funeral.  Mrs. Rivera’s ashes are being buried today in Illinois, so let’s continue to love on this family during this time of grief.


Graybars Project had several new poems and inmate art posted on the exhibit board for our viewing.  We also signed birthday cards for Bobby (IL) and Daniel (TX) to remind them they are remembered. The August prisoner prayer request sheets are now available at the table.  They are now “jumpsuit orange”, so you can’t miss them.


The board will be on display Friday 4-8 pm at Lincolnway Christian Church’s “Sister’s Closet”  in New Lenox. The leader of their women’s ministry event, Pat Wozny,  invited us to introduce our outreach in hopes of stirring up interest among attendees which should result in Christmas card donations from them for our prison mailout in December! Isn’t it wonderful when churches pull together instead of competing?  Try to support their event, and take home some sharp looking clothing for a little bit of money. Who doesn't love a bargain?  It will be FUN!


After service the entire church was invited to the Hajek/Petersen home for a party to honor all volunteers who have worked at Revolution Church since our launch.  Blaine and Cynthia provided a burrito bar with all the fixings, and the rest of us brought sides and desserts. Blaine was surprised when the crowd began singing “Happy Birthday”, as today is his 50th!  Doorprizes, bean bag games, water balloons, photos, and homemade ice cream churned by Harvey Ferguson wrapped up a very fun afternoon. We all waddled to our cars with full tummies and full hearts.  THANK YOU for your hospitality, PETERSEN FAMILY!  A+


Next Sunday after the church is packed up, everybody is invited to go to the new building in Manhattan and see the construction progress.  Nursery, kids’ area, and bathrooms are nearly completely framed and sheetrocked! We are all invited to bring markers and sign the floor with our names, scriptures, or art before the carpet is laid this week. How exciting is THIS?  First Sunday for regular attenders is scheduled for September 4th, and our public Grand Opening will be September 11!


As Pastor Billy encouraged us to do yesterday, remember to prayerfully consider giving a special offering to help us over the hump of the cost of this final construction.  We need $5,000 within the next three weeks, and we know we will have what we need if everybody is faithful with their tithe and cares enough to make the effort.  If you are skilled with a paint roller, and want to donate elbow grease, contact Pastor right away. LET’S DO THIS!   We are allllllllllmost there!


Saturday, August 13th, from 9-11 AM, Linda Lee is hosting “Hello My Name Is” breakfast/speaking event for our women and their guests. We need you to RSVP Penny at 425-299-2156 so we know how many to expect.  This will be a fun morning of fellowship and getting to know each other a little better.  Join us!


While we are speaking of Women’s Ministry, let us tell you of two new opportunities for our ladies this fall. “Life’s Healing Choices” is a new study planned by Penny Knott.  She is also leading a new women’s discipleship class.  She asks interested parties to indicate their most convenient days/times to have the largest participation possible.  Sign-up sheets are found on the back table, so check these out!


The holidays will be upon before we know it, so we are asking all ladies to SAVE THE DATE of Saturday, Dec. 3rd for our Women’s Ministry Christmas Brunch/Program/Party.  Circle it NOW before your calendar is full.  


When you are handed your bulletin next week from our greeter, Oscar Hammerberg, give him a hug and show him some love, because he celebrates his birthday Thursday, and he is really and truly a wonderful human.  See ya'll next week. Prayer begins at 9:30 in the kitchen, and music starts at 10:00 sharp!






August 1, 2016:



Good Morning!


Yesterday was youth Sunday when the children stayed in the sanctuary to worship and take Communion with their families.  The Rychs surprised the kids with a visit from tail waggin’ “Lenny the Therapy Dog” who soaked up lots of pats and spoiling after service.   Pastor Billy concluded our July series, “You’ve Got What It Takes”, with a unique presentation of the gospel message using Legos and text from 1 Kings 14, and 2 Samuel 11.  This has been a really good sermon series. 


Construction has begun at our new building! The nursery is ¾ finished, and an oversized kitchen has been started. Concrete is being poured this week.  The ball is rolling, folks!  Our first service will be September 4th, but Grand Opening for the public will be September 11th! Circle those dates on your calendar NOW, so we will have a full house for kick off!


Pass out the crying towels, because our sweet Susan Mulder attended her final service yesterday.  She leaves for her new home in AZ Thursday, and, boy, will this lady be missed! She has opened her home for Bible studies, wrote piles of cards and letters to inmates through our prison outreach, assisted with women’s ministry events, and volunteered in other areas of service within this church family.  Some AZ church is fixing to gain a diamond.  They just don’t know it yet!  This month’s women’s ministry “Time Out” held at Panera in Frankfort had a good turn out to fellowship, eat, and say goodbyes to Sue.


Deepest sympathy is extended to Pastor Julian and Miriam on the passing of Miriam’s mama, Olga Rivera. The Sandovals will be returning from Florida this week, and will have another local memorial service for Olga on Saturday, August 6th, 10 A.M., in Elmwood Park, IL.    We signed group cards for the family after service.


Penny Knott is soon beginning Discipleship training for women. If you are interested in learning how to better follow Jesus or are interested in mentoring a young believer, please message her, or mark your connection card.


Ladies, “Hello My Name Is” breakfast event will be in Frankfort, hosted by Linda Lee, Saturday, August 13th.  Have you RSVP’d yet? We want to have a good turnout, so let somebody know you are coming, and join the fun!


Who loves a picnic?  If you raised your hand, you will be happy to know you are invited to eat some good food after service next Sunday at Blaine and Cynthia Petersen’s home in New Lenox.  They will provide the main course, and we are asked to bring side dishes.  They do this to honor everybody who has ever helped serve in any capacity at Revolution Church, but they say EVERYBODY is invited to come over, have fun and eat.  HOW NICE!


Speaking of food, remember to bring your extra garden crops to leave on the welcome table to share.  This is a treat and a blessing for those who have no garden plot.  Don’t let those veggies go to waste!


Pastor Bob Smith celebrated his 62nd birthday last week! Graybars Project also wishes to say Happy Birthday to Bobby Smith down in Canton, IL. Much happiness and love is extended to this family.  Greetings to Antigone Moore in sunny Arizona as she celebrates her birthday far from home! (Remember that the birthday/anniversary list was lost in a computer snafu, so if you want yours mentioned on this page, you must let me know a week in advance, please.)


SAVE THE DATE.  Women’s Christmas Luncheon/Party will be Saturday, December 3rd!  More info to come later, but reserve that date now!


Hope to see everybody back next week at 10:00 A.M. as Pastor kicks off the August series, “Jonah”.  Come early, so you can enjoy your coffee and be settled in your seat for the first worship song. Have a blessed week!





July 25, 2016:



Good morning!

Welcome!  It was good to see our regular folks and also our first time visitors with us yesterday.  Please do visit again, and check out our Home Page to see what Revolution Church believes and what we can offer your family.  There are Bible studies, small groups, fellowship events, and opportunities to serve in various departments in this church body.

We thank Associate Pastor Bob Smith for bringing us the message about GRACE with text from Titus 2.  You can watch this sermon again by clicking WATCH on the home page.

Big thanks to Joe Meskin for beginning orientation on the tech team! We have been seeking volunteers for a good while, and yesterday Joe decided to step up and give it a try.  He is talented in this area, and we trust he will be a natural in this area of service.  There is still room for YOU, if you want to learn.  Deacon Darren Rych leads this team.

Applause for those who contributed paperbacks for the Joliet juvenile detention center’s library.  We were able to donate 173 books to the facility, our second successful book drive in 2016!  Thank you, Bruce Smit, for doing the heavy grunt work of delivery and unloading them.   Sandovals, Jasinskis, and Duszkas contributed heavily this time.

Graybars Project recognized “Christmas Card Queen”, Susan Mulder, as an exceptional volunteer with the prison ministry.  She received a card signed by the team, a poem written especially for her, a plant to carry to her new home in Arizona, a pencil sketch from one of our Texas inmates in solitary confinement, and a box of instant potatoes to signify her faithful and loving efforts to our inmates in Idaho, one of whom worked in a potato shed there.   

Women’s TIME OUT will honor Susan at this week’s Thursday evening gathering at the Frankfort Panera at 6:30 pm.  Please come out and share in the fellowship and wish Sue well before she moves to Arizona.  This woman will be sorely missed!

At the end of the service special prayer was offered up for the Sandoval family.  Miriam’s mother had a severe stroke this past week, and Miriam is in Florida with her now.  Pastor Julian is en route.  Please remember our friends during this rugged time, and let’s support them in any way we can to make this medical crisis a little easier for them.

On a brighter note, let’s welcome back to Illinois, Harvey, Jr., and Mildred Ferguson!  They will be staying with Brenda Hajek for an extended visit, and we are so pleased to see them again.  We wish Tennessee wasn’t so far away so we could visit year round!

Churchwide prayer meeting will be at the Knott’s Manhattan home next Sunday night at …… pm until ?  All are welcome to come, but no childcare is provided.

Thanks for those generous folks who are leaving their extra garden veggies on the welcome table.  Those were sweet cukes yesterday. Take what you can use when you see them there.  You don’t have to ask permission, just pick up what you need.

Remember that the birthday and anniversary lists were both deleted in a computer meltdown, so unless you specifically notify us to print them, they will no longer appear here.  Sorry about that.  Stuff happens.

Next week we will share in Communion, and Pastor Billy has also promised to present the gospel in a unique way.  Weeks ago he gave us all magnets where we were to write names of folks we were inviting to this service.  Have you invited your people?  This is important, so remember to ask them early in the week before they make other weekend plans.  You are also reminded that you are welcome to join us for pre-service prayer in the kitchen near 9:30 each Sunday.  Have a great week!





July 17, 2016:



Happy Sunday!

Thank you all for joining us at worship, and thank you for joining us here online!

The band kicked us off with a twist on The Doors classic, Roadhouse Blues, by singing “Church House Blues” before we entered into praise and worship.  Pastor Billy’s sermon, “You Can Get Through This”, used text taken from John 1 and Matthew 11.  It was an encouraging message reminding us that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and no matter what happens, He has us firmly in His grip.  We ended the service by singing “It Is Well With My Soul”.

We appreciate Elena Sandoval’s warm and welcoming hugs as she served as greeter on this rainy morning.  She is just precious and radiates love.  We are so glad she and her husband are worshipping with us!

It was precious to hear the joyful sounds of a lively, musical Children’s Church filtering into our sanctuary this morning.  That was the sound of Julian and Miriam Sandoval’s new children’s programming!  We are incredibly thankful for this talented and dedicated couple who stepped up for our young ones.

Thank you, Rych Family, for sharing all those cucumbers with us today!  If you have extra home-grown vegetables, please wash them, and leave them in bags on the back table.  Some of us struggle to buy groceries, and you could be a tremendous blessing with your harvest.

Thank you to all who donated the piles of paperback books for the juvenile detention center’s library in Joliet! This is Graybars Project’s SECOND successful book drive in 2016!  Woo-Hooo!

Ladies “Time Out” will be the last Thursday evening of July, and this gathering will be saying goodbye to Sue Mulder who is relocating to Arizona! If you are able, please come out and wish her well.  Location will be determined shortly.  You will probably want to bring your own Kleenexes, because Sue is a honey, and we will miss her terribly!

We barely said hello, and now we have to say goodbye to Maria Batchelor and her little daughter, Sophie. We are sad about that, but we wish them much happiness for their fresh start in Georgia. Please pray for safety on the road tomorrow, and for a southern, hospitable welcome when settling into their new community.

Speaking of hospitality, all are invited to a cookout on August 7th, 2:00 pm, hosted by Blaine and Cynthia Petersen! Everybody can attend, and the focus is to honor and recognize those who have ever helped with the set-up, tear down, and trailering for our portable church.  The folks who serve in this area get up early, grunt and sweat with the electronics and heavy stuff, and then stay late to pack it all up again. The Petersens will provide the main course, and we are all asked to bring desserts or sides.  Gluten-free options will be available.  They will bring a sign up sheet next Sunday.  How gracious!

We clapped and cheered when little Avery Hippenhammer’s surgery was a success!  She is recovering right on schedule, and for this answered prayer, we give thanks.

Because of an unfortunate computer meltdown, it appears that our birthday and anniversary files are forever lost.   As good old Charlie Brown would say:  “ARRRRRRRRRRGGG!”  Apologies to all those who came here to read their celebration wishes.  

Hope to see everybody back next week!






July 13, 2016:


Hi, again!


Aren’t you glad you went to Revolution Church on Sunday? Our ushers had to keep setting up extra chairs which is always a good thing.  Pastor Billy installed Julian Sandoval as our new Children’s Pastor!  Julian and his wife Miriam bring over 14 years of experience to the table. The Sandovals were excited and blessed to have numerous rows of friends and family join us to clap and cheer for this ordination service.  Some even drove all night to be part of this special day. We hope they felt welcome.  After the laying on of hands blessing by the congregation and presentation of flowers, we mingled and celebrated with a huge cake after service.  Thanks to the hospitable mystery person who provided that for us!  That was mighty neighborly of you!


Condolences to Bob Hensle on the loss of his mother, Penny Hensle, who lived in Indiana. She was Autumn’s great- greatmother.  Let’s be sure and love on this family during this difficult time.


The last day to contribute your paperbacks for the Joliet Juvenile Detention Center’s library is NEXT SUNDAY.  Thank you to those who have cleaned out their bookcases and backpacks for this Graybars Project community service act. Every book will find a home!


Ladies, have you signed up for our “Hello, My Name Is” breakfast? Linda Lee is hosting at her Frankfort home on Saturday, August 13th, at 9 A.M.  We must have your RSVP by August 7th.  This is always fun, so mark your calendar, and bring a friend!


Circle your calendar for July 31 for a church prayer meeting at the Knotts’ home in Manhattan. Everybody is welcome, but no child care is provided.


Happy First Birthday, Avery Hippenhammer!  Lainey Leatherman, Kelli Sheppard, and Samantha Getty are also eating birthday cake this week!  Happy Anniversary to Rich and Chris Portwood!  Here’s wishing them many more years of happiness! We have lots of new folks now, so please send me your birthdays and anniversaries so we can mention them here.


Come back next week to hear part 3 of Pastor Billy’s July series, “You’ve Got What it Takes”. Sunday's message was “You’ve Got What It Takes To Do Something Great” with text from Matthew 25.  Next week we will learn what scripture says about “You’ve Got What It Takes To Get Through This”.  Children’s lessons will now correlate with the adult messages which will help parents be able to discuss and reinforce the Biblical truths each Sunday. Bring your children to check out the new children’s church activities.  This is going to be GREAT!





July 4, 2016:



Thanks to all who joined us for church this holiday weekend! Several showed up in their red, white, and blues, and the church was decorated with many flags.  In addition to our regular praise and worship, the band played a moving patriotic medley of “America the Beautiful”, “God Bless America”, “Dixie”, and “Battle Hymn of the Republic”” that literally caused some to cry.  Special welcome to Emilio Escalante on drums and Rashaad Gibbs on acoustic guitar.  They showed up well prepared and ready to hit the ground running, and we are pleased to have them aboard!


Today Pastor Billy kicked off his July series, “You’ve Got What It Takes” with a message about evangelism with text taken from John 1:43-51  We were strongly encouraged to be inviting folks out for our final service of the month.  Refrigerator magnets were given to all with instructions to write in the names of friends to pray for and invite.  Magnets will be available next week, too.


Several of our ladies met for a monthly “Time Out” at Parmesans Pizza in Frankfort Thursday evening. If you are interested in attending upcoming Time Outs, contact Michelle Grifford for info.


Attention Betty Crockers, Sara Lees, and all who love to cook! “Fishes and Loaves” has an opportunity to provide the blessing of some meals after a surgery for a faithful family in this church.  Contact ministry leader, Dawn Gonda, or mark your connection card if you are willing to serve. Thank you, Dawn, for stepping up to shoulder this responsibility. You are much appreciated!


“Man in the Mirror” books are FREE on the back table.  There are only a few left, so remember to take a copy home.  Thanks, Pastor Bob, for providing these!


Speaking of books, Graybars Project needs YOURS.  We’ve had another heaping pile of paperbacks already donated for our second book drive to help restock and refresh the library at Joliet’s juvenile detention center.  Check your shelves for reading materials suitable for ages 10-17, and let’s make this as successful as our first drive this spring.  Anyone wanting to help deliver them in two weeks is welcome to go.


Let’s remember to stay in touch with Nick and Antigone Moore who have relocated to Arizona.  When you’ve moved across the country and are starting over, there is not much sweeter than opening the mailbox and pulling out letters from home.  Their address is available at church.


Mark your calendar for July 31 for a church prayer meeting at the Knotts’ home in Manhattan. Everybody is welcome, but no child care is provided.


We have many new folks at church now, so for those who don’t know, there is a listing of many Bible studies and Life Groups on our Home Page.  Please refer to this to see which times, locations, and topics will work best for you.   While you are there, check out the whole new look of the site.  Isn’t it great?  Pastor Billy worked long and hard to update our look and our logo. Very professional!


Thanks to the Knotts for the free bags of homegrown lettuce they gave away Sunday.  During garden season if you harvest extra fruits and veggies, you may bring them to share with your church family.  Sometimes we find ourselves with too much month at the end of our money, so let’s help each other when we can.


Thanks to Chris Meskin for volunteering in the children’s ministry.  It’s encouraging to see fresh faces serving in this area!  Mark your connection card if you want to take a turn.  There are opportunities with nursery and also with the older children.  It’s ok to try it for one Sunday.  No obligations.  Just try it!


Next Sunday Julian Sandoval will be installed as our new Children’s Pastor!  He and his wife, Miriam, have been a tremendous blessing, and have shown us from day one that they are not afraid of work.  We are so grateful for their presence here.  Come out and support them next week.  We start service at 10, but we meet in the kitchen for prayer near 9:30.  See you there!








June 26, 2016:




Welcome back!  Thank you for checking out our newsletter again this week.


Wasn’t today a fun Sunday? Pastor Billy concluded his series on Job with text from Job 38-42 We all shared in Communion, and then with so many of you pitching in to help clear chairs and pack the trailer, we were out the door in record time headed to Commissioners Park for our annual church picnic.


Before anything else, we must give a round of applause to Phil and Michelle Grifford for making the event possible.  They planned, organized, reserved our pavilion, ordered and picked up catered food, created the online potluck sign up lists, and then set it up so all the rest of us had to do was just show up with our appetites.  THANK YOU!


We had a good crowd of folks, and we were pleased to see many new faces that were not with us at last year’s picnic. Hotdogs, two kinds of chicken, and the Petersens’ yummy pulled pork were the entrees, and the rest of us brought sides and desserts.   After we had eaten all we could, there were so many leftovers many of us happily waddled to our cars with doggy bags for supper.  Thanks to all the cooks. Note to self:  Next year wear stretchy pants with a drawstring.  That was some gooooood eatin’!  


Our children were treated to a whoop-ti-do time when our favorite clown, “Magic Autumn”, joined forces with Julian and Miriam Sandoval and their team for a puppet show starring Lazy Larry and all other kinds of silliness.  Miriam was in charge of games that left the kids howling with laughter and the adults wet from water balloon tossing. Several of the guys enjoyed games of bean bags.  The church provided splash park tickets for the youth, and the playground was also open.  The rain that fell so hard Sunday morning held off during our activities, and for that we were thankful. To end the day, Autumn sent the children home with his custom-made balloon creations.  A+ picnic!


We sure do miss Elder Nick and Antigone since they moved to Arizona.  Greeting cards were available for signing after service.  If you missed this opportunity, contact Penny Knott:  to have her connect you with them.


Women’s “Time Out” fellowship event is Thursday, June 30, 6:30-8:30 pm at Parmesans Pizza in Frankfort. All ladies are encouraged to come, bring a friend, and enjoy each other’s company and some really good food.  Contact Penny or Michelle for more info!


Graybars Project already has many more paperbacks donated for a second book drive to help stock the River Valley Juvenile Detention Center’s library.  If you would like to bless these kids in Joliet, check your bookshelves for materials suitable for ages 10-17, and leave them at the exhibit board.  While you are over there, remember to take home your copy of the June/July inmates’ prayer requests, and check out the new poetry the prisoners have written for us.


Mark your calendar for July 31st, 6 pm, for prayer meeting at the Knotts’ home.  Everybody is welcome.


We are still seeking volunteers for the tech team.  Leader Darren Rych is eager to teach you how to put the lyrics on the screen, how to run videos clips, and how to film sermons for online viewing.  Who wants to step up and serve here? Don’t be shy.  You will learn lots, and Darren will make it fun.


Please go to the home page and check out the various small groups and Bible studies available for your family this summer.  There are several options of locations, days of the week, and topics.  Surely there is something that will tickle your fancy.


Congratulations to the Rych family on their new rescue dog, Shelby, who just arrived from Texas!  What a beauty!  Best wishes for many years of love and happiness together!


Next Sunday Pastor kicks off the July series, “You’ve Got What It Takes”.  This will be July 3rd, so dress in patriotic colors if you wish.  No fair skipping church for the holiday.  The lake and the pool and the boat and even the weenies for the grill will wait for you til you get home from honoring the Sabbath in the Lord’s house.  True Dat! 





June 24, 2016:


Hello Friends.


Apologies for no June columns up til this point, but I needed to be out of state with my daddy who was critically ill.  He is now in Heaven doing something fun, so it’s back to business here on the website.  Many thanks for all the cards, calls, and gestures of support during those rugged weeks.   This is certainly a loving group of people here at Revolution!


All this month Pastor Billy has preached his sermons from the book of Job.  Sunday will finish up this June series.  We hope you have been encouraged and will always remember that whether God is giving or taking away, He is good ALL THE TIME!


We hope our men enjoyed a happy Father’s Day!  Dads, Stepfathers, Foster Dads, Like a Dads, Papaws, and all the sweet beloved Daddies already up in Heaven … Some were good examples, and others were good examples of bad examples, but no matter, we saluted them all!  Pastor was excited to have two former members of his Seattle-based band, Temple, playing with the worship team for the holiday. Thank you, to Pastor Bob Smith for providing free gifts of THE MAN IN THE MIRROR books to the men in attendance.  If you didn’t get your copy, pick one up Sunday.  You’re welcome.


Congratulations to our members who were baptized this month at Lincoln Way East pool:  Autumn Hensle, Jason Strzelecki and Jessica Alvarez!  Yay! (Insert sounds of clapping and cheering here.)


Applause for our graduates: Calvin Petersen, Jordan Knott, Christian Hively, Tom Williamson, and Maria Batchelor!   We also honored Brenda Hajek who began her freshman year at Joliet Junior College at the glorious age of 63! How exciting!  Best wishes to all of these students.


We are again collecting paperbacks to help restock the River Valley Juvenile Detention Center in Joliet.  The librarian was so appreciative of our spring book drive, we decided to do it again.  Dozens of books are already coming in, so check your bookshelves and let’s see what we can do for the kids.  Leave books at the Graybars display table.

Congratulations to Debbie Struck on her new position as Director of Life Enrichment at Holy Family Villa in Palos Park!  Yay, Deb!


Congratulations to Tom Williamson, the newest Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant (COTA) at Villa Franciscan for Presence in Joliet. Orientation begins next week.  Tom’s degree took years of studying, and we couldn’t be more proud!


Wedding bells rang for firefighter Tyler Yost and the gorgeous Noel Knott June 18th in Palos Hills!  They have been honeymooning in Seattle this week, and we toss rice and wish them years of happiness together.


Happy anniversary to Pastor Bob and Heather Smith! Happy June birthdays to these folk:  Hannah Rogers, Judy Christensen, Penny Knott, Brittany Batsch,  Nicki Arnott, Owen Arnott , and Autumn Senecal!   (There are many new people, so let me know if you have upcoming special days to announce.)


Inmate feedback was highly positive from the large birthday cards Vivian Meskin created and we all signed.  The cards were mailed to inmates in Idaho, Arkansas, and Texas, and they were thrilled and moved to tears to be remembered with so many signatures and kind wishes.    Be sure and pick up the June/July Graybars inmate prayer request page from the exhibit table.  For many, this is the only church they claim, so let’s support them in prayer.


Check out the website calendar for dates and topics of small groups and Bible studies.  There are many to choose from!


Remember our annual church picnic is June 26th, 1-3 pm at Commissioner’s Park in Frankfort, and we want you there to share in the food and fun.  Bring a side dish or a dessert, and come join us.  The church is providing free passes to the splash park for the little ones, so remember the towels.


It has certainly been exciting to see so many new faces aboard this train lately.  Chair pick up has been a breeze since so many folks are eager to volunteer.  Special recognition to Lynnford Fulmer for clearing the stage and helping to load the trailer each week.  THANK YOU! Join us next Sunday as Pastor Billy kicks off July’s series called “You’ve Got What It Takes”.       ------ Tammy




May 31, 2016:


Happy Memorial Day weekend!


Thanks to all who joined us for worship Sunday when it was tempting to play hooky and have fun in the sun instead.  We had to set out extra chairs when people kept coming in!  We have several new families who are excited to have hopped aboard this train, so be sure to take a few minutes and say hey and make them welcome.  They are already working in the nursery, showing up for pre-service prayer in the kitchen and helping pack up the heavy stuff after church.  Thank you, Lord, for these hard-working people who are eager to help Revolution grow!


Bob Smith, newly appointed Associate Pastor, delivered the final message in our Hosea series about covenants with text from Genesis 15 and John 17.  He also led us in Communion.  Thank you, Pastor Bob!


Each of us was given a plastic toy soldier to take home and set in a prominent place to remind us to appreciate and pray for our military.  Let us always remember that “All gave some…but some gave all.”


Tammy Smit updated the church regarding Graybars prison projects which included cards sent for Easter, Mother’s Day, birthdays, Bibles donated for prisoners in study courses, a paperback book drive for the juvenile detention center, and successful pen-pal correspondences some adults have chosen to nurture during their personal time.  If you want to donate, we can always use stamps.  Thank you, kind person, whoever you are, for donating the bag of Suduko puzzle pages! The folks love to find these tucked inside their mail.


Thanks to Brenda Hajek for jazzing up the surprise goodbye cake for Nick and Antigone Moore, as the church wanted to honor them on their final Sunday before their move to Arizona today.  This couple donated time, treasures, and talents during their season with us, and they will certainly be missed! Who votes for a road trip to hang out with them during Chicago’s next big snowstorm? (Both hands and a foot up!)   Safe travels, and prayers for blessings and good neighbors to await you, Nick and Tig!


Baptizing is June 12th.  Are you signed up?  Speak to Pastor Billy if you would like to be included.  That Sunday is also our graduate recognition service, so be sure and get your photo, school info, and future plans sent in ASAP to the piano player.  Jr. High, Sr. High, GED, College, Military, and completion of other adult courses is what we are honoring.


If you have always dreamed of learning to work the projector and type  lyrics for worship songs that appear on the screen, boy do we have a job for YOU!  Darren Rych would love to teach you the ropes of being a member of the tech team.  He’s super smart with computers, and you can learn a lot from him and expand your computer skill while serving the church.   Be brave, and try it!


While you are feeling adventuresome, be sure to check out the women’s ministries clipboards on the welcome table.  There are several opportunities to lead, assist or host a variety of events, and surely there is something there that will make your heart pitter-patter.  Use your gifts and talents to be a blessing.  If we all do a little, nobody has to do a lot.


We have three birthdays this week:  Our Lori Fischer is celebrating TODAY!  Two of our faithful Graybars correspondents share a May 31st birthdate, so best wishes to John K. in Idaho, and to Gavino M. in Arkansas!


Before you go home next week, be sure and sign up to bring your favorite side dish or dessert for our June 26th church picnic.  FUN, FUN, FUN!  There will water park opportunities for the kids, too, so be sure and circle the date on your calendar and be inviting friends and family NOW.  Hope to see all of you back with us next Sunday as Pastor Billy kicks off the June series, “JOB - a Story of Hope”.



May 23, 2016:



Hello, friends!


Thanks for showing up on this page, and thanks for showing up to worship yesterday.  It was truly encouraging to look out and see so many visitors smiling back.  We hope all you new folks felt welcome and comfortable.  One of the brand new guys even stayed after service to help pack up the stage.  How kind was THAT!


Pastor Billy continued with his “Hosea:  From Broken to Brand New” series with a message about trusting God’s promises.  Text was taken from Hosea 3 and Matthew 14  This has sure been an enjoyable series, and we have learned lots.


Women’s Ministry had a decent attendance at Wednesday’s meeting. Pat Wozny, an excellent women’s leader in our area, shared tips on how we can grow and improve in our ministries and service here. We took the Spiritual Gifts Assessment test together, and now we better know where we can most effectively serve in this church.  There are several sign-up sheets at the back table for events that are in need of participants, hostesses, and fresh leadership.  Take a peek, and see where you can shine!


Celebrating a birthday today is our Travis Rogers! We also say “Happy Birthday” to Taylor Moore today!  She is so good to volunteer in the nursery, and we just love her! Little Micah Meskin can blow out his candles on the 25th!  Brenda Hajek’s artist granddaughter, Kayla Tipping, turns 19 on the 28th!


 Speaking of Brenda, we are so proud of her we could bust our buttons.  At 63 years of age she began this Monday morning as a college freshman at Joliet Junior College!  We wish you much academic success and happiness in this new chapter of your life, Brenda!


Wedding bells will be ringing for Christian Hively and Diana Lopez!  Apparently, “he went to Jared”, and she said YES!  We will post more details as they decide when and where.  Felicitaciones!


Graduates will be honored during our June 12th service.  We will recognize those completing Jr. High, Sr. High, College, Military Training, and GED.     Bring a photo, list of grade completed, name of school, future plans, and give the whole stack of stuff to Tammy Smit at the piano by the end of the month.


June 12th will be a busy Sunday, as that is also our day to baptize after service.  If you have not yet been baptized, please speak to Pastor to be included with the group!  You can also go to our home page and read what we believe regarding water baptism.


Mark your calendar TODAY for our June 26th summer church picnic!  We had such a fun time in the park last year, so let’s come together and do it all over again.  More details will come soon!


We are actively seeking new members for the Tech Team!  If you are interested in helping with camera, projector, or putting lyrics on the wall for the worship service, please see Deacon Darren Rych or mark your connection card. This is not difficult, and it’s  a great way to volunteer and be a blessing.


Remember that all are invited to the kitchen near 9:30 am for pre-service group prayer.  There has been a good number showing up. Stay as long as you like, and then you are free to go.


We are sad to have to wave goodbye to Nick and Antigone Moore as they finish packing up their house for bigger and better things in Arizona.  What good people they are, and their generosity with time, treasures, and talents has enriched us as a church family. You guys are soooooo loved! THANK YOU!


Next Sunday is Memorial Day weekend, and NO FAIR skipping church to toss Frisbees in the park or grill weenies at the lake.  Honor God, and show up in His house, and there will still be plenty of time for rest and relaxation after service. Bob Smith will be speaking for the first time since he was installed as Associate Pastor, and we are expecting several visitors to come hear him, so be sure and be there to welcome them.


Have a blessed week!


















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