June / July 2018
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Week 1: Philippians 4:13
"I can do all things"
(June 3, 2018)
Week 2: Exodus 20:5, Exodus 34:7
"Generational curses"
(June 10, 2018)
There is no "Week 3" - I accidentally named the video "week 4", sorry about the confusion
Week 4: Luke 14:25-35
"Hate your mother and your father"
(June 17, 2018)
Week 5: John 6:35-65
"Eat my body, drink my blood"
(June 24, 2018)
Week 6: Malachi 3
"Will a man rob God?"
(July 1, 2018) Pastor Bob Smith
Week 7: 1 Peter 3:18-20
"Did Jesus really descend into Hell?"
(July 8, 2018)
Week 8: James 2:14-26
"Faith that doesn't save"
(July 15, 2018)
Week 9: Mark 3:20-34
"The Unforgivable Sin"
(July 22, 2018)
Week 10: Ephesians 6:13
"Where Is God When the Bottom
Drops Out?"
(July 29, 2018) Pastor Julian Sandoval