February 2, 2025
Welcome back to “What’s Happening”! Let’s read the church news for this week:
Songs today were “Greatness of Our God”, “Victory In Jesus”, “You Never Let Go”, “Our God”, “No Longer Slaves”, and “Just As I Am”. The sermon, “Water Into Wine”, was delivered by Pastor Billy.* (You can watch this and past messages by going to the home page and clicking WATCH.
*Note to all the frugal people in the congregation: NO, Pastor Larry didn’t actually smash the bottle of expensive wine on stage. That was called “theatrics”!
Today was the final Sunday to pick up Giving Statements for tax preparation. Remaining envelopes will be mailed. Thank you for supporting your church financially!
Today we collected nonperishables for the community food pantry. Big thanks to those who contributed to the donation pile!
Pastor Bob will teach you to properly and accurately defend your faith in his APOLOGETICS class beginning Wednesday evening, 6:30 pm at the church. Snow is in the forecast, so listen for a cancellation should the weather by iffy Wednesday. Sign up at the Connection Table so he will know how many lessons to print each week.
Men’s Donuts and Devotional will be this Saturday at church at 8 am. This is free for our church men and their male friends. Y’all come!
Senior Valentine Luncheon is Wednesday, February 19 at noon at the church. Kathy Felchlin can answer any questions about this fun event. Sign up to attend or to indicate which food you will bring to share.
Remember to sign up to bring a dish to share for our monthly Stone Soup potluck meal after service! The more the merrier! We need you to sign up so enough tables will be rolled in after church.
March 1 “Iron Sharpens Iron” Men’s Conference will be in Orland Park 8:30 am-4 pm. Mark your calendar now and save the date! Partial scholarships are available if you let Pastor Bob know there is a need. Approx. cost including lunch is $59. February 19 is the final day to register.
Pastor Billy’s 1st and 2nd Samuel Bible study is 6:30 pm Tuesday on his Face Book page. If you cannot access Face Book, go to Pastor Shred on You Tube live videos and watch past studies from there. If you make an account there, you will be able to make live comments during the show!
Happy Birthday to Miriam Sandoval on the 3rd! Today is Donna Windberg’s birthday, and we remember her with great fondness. She will be forever loved and missed at this church.
Special prayers for Lauren Gross having kidney stone removal Thursday! Pat Baker is home from the hospital after battling flu and a pneumonia setback. Get well soon, Linda Lee and Betsy Burnett!
Thanks for stopping in to read “What’s Happening”! See you next Sunday!
January 26, 2025
Welcome back, folks! We survived the Polar Vortex that blew through our state! Thank you for bundling up and coming out to support your church for Communion Sunday.
Songs today were “Let’s Work Together”, “Blessed Be the Name of the Lord Most High”, “Friend of God”, “It Is Well”, and “O Come To the Altar”. The sermon, “Waiting Will Relieve the Weight”, was delivered by Pastor Larry DeSando. (You can watch this and past messages by going to the home page and clicking WATCH.
Yearly Church Business Meeting was today. We discussed budget, missions support choices and casting vision for 2025. Thank you for attending!
A few Giving Statements remain unclaimed in the clear container found on the Connection Table. Take yours home ASAP.
Next Sunday we collect nonperishables for the community food pantry, so remember to double bag your donations to prevent bag rips during transport. Thanks for helping!
There are several notes found on the Graybars Project table from inmates who appreciated their holiday cards volunteers wrote. Take a minute to read what they have to say after you sign the birthday cards for them.
Pastor Bob will teach you to properly and accurately defend you faith in his APOLOGETICS class beginning Wednesday evenings at the church in February. Sign up at the Connection Table so he will know how many lessons to print.
Senior Valentine Luncheon is Wednesday, February 19 at noon at the church. Kathy Felchlin can answer any questions about this fun event. Sign up to attend or to indicate which food you will bring to share.
March 1 “Iron Sharpens Iron” Men’s Conference will be in Orland Park 8:30 am-4 pm. Pastor Bob will be giving us more info shortly, but mark your calendar now and save the date! Partial scholarships are available if you let Pastor Bob know there is a need. Approx. cost including lunch is $59.
Pastor Billy’s 1st and 2nd Samuel Bible study is 6:30 pm Tuesday on his Face Book page. If you cannot access Face Book, go to Pastor Shred on You Tube live videos and watch past studies from there. If you make an account there, you will be able to make live comments during the show!
Happy Birthday to Erin Van Kuiken today! Gabriel Babarinde (our favorite Nigerian) celebrates his birthday on the 31st!
Thanks for stopping in to read “What’s Happening”! See you next Sunday! Stay warm and be safe!
January 19, 2025
Welcome back, friends and family! Thanks for venturing out to church in this “igloo weather”!
Songs today were “Open Up the Heavens”, “I Have Decided”, “Jesus Messiah”, “There Was Jesus”, “Shout to the Lord”, and “Seek Ye First”. The sermon, “Come and See”, was delivered by Pastor Billy from the new sermon series “The Gospel of John”. Did you enjoy having cheesecake for breakfast? (You can watch this and past messages by going to the home page and clicking WATCH.
Yearly Church Business Meeting will be Sunday, January 26 after service. This is for MEMBERS ONLY. If you are going to join this church at the next membership meeting, you may also attend.
Giving Statements are available in the clear container found on the Connection Table. Take yours ASAP as you will need it for taxes. There are free Revolution Church 2025 wall calendars in a box beside these statements. Take one!
Small Group meets at Brenda Hajek’s home in New Lenox Thursday at 6:30 pm. Join us for Bible Study and good food!
Build –A- Shoebox, Samaritan’s Purse’s mission for hard to reach nations, will host a packing day in Aurora, IL this Saturday! Betsy Burnette can answer any questions if you are willing to fill an empty volunteer shift. You will need to be able to do a good deal of walking if you work this project.
There are several notes found on the Graybars Project table from inmates who appreciated their holiday cards volunteers wrote. Take a minute to read what they have to say after you sign the birthday cards for them.
Pastor Bob will teach you to properly and accurately defend you faith in his APOLOGETICS class beginning Wednesday evenings at the church in February. Sign up at the Connection Table so he will know how many lessons to print.
Senior Valentine Luncheon is Wednesday, February at noon at the church. Kathy Felchlin can answer any questions about this fun event. Sign up to attend or to indicate which food you will bring to share.
March 1 “Iron Sharpens Iron” Men’s Conference will be in Orland Park 8:30 am-4 pm. Pastor Bob will be giving us more info shortly, but mark your calendar now and save the date!
Pastor Billy’s 1st and 2nd Samuel Bible study is 6:30 pm Tuesday on his Face Book page. If you cannot access Face Book, go to Pastor Shred on You Tube live videos and watch past studies from there. If you make an account there, you will be able to make live comments during the show!
Happy Birthday to Joe Meskin on Saturday and to Erin Van Kuiken on Friday!
Be careful in this treacherous weather, and please check on our elderly and most vulnerable members who might be too shy to ask for help. The windchills are predicted to -15 to -25 in the Chicago area. Thanks for stopping in to read “What’s Happening”! See you next Sunday! Stay warm and be safe!